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Letters of Eugene V. Debs: 3 Vols QUOTES

1 " {Debbs' letter to Robert Ingersoll's granddaughter}

I was the friend of your immortal grandfather and I loved him truly… the name of Ingersoll is revered in our home, worshipped by us all, and the date of birth is holy in our calendar... I have never loved another mortal as I have loved Robert Green Ingersoll. "

Eugene V. Debs , Letters of Eugene V. Debs: 3 Vols

2 " {Letter from Debbs to Eva Ingersoll, husband of Robert Ingersoll, just after the news of Robert's death}

We were inexpressibly shocked to hear of the sudden death of your dear husband and our best loved friend. Most tenderly do we sympathize with you, and all of yours in your great bereavement... Gifted with the rarest genius, in beautiful alliance with his heroism, his kindness and boundless love, he made the name of Ingersoll immortal.

To me, he was an older brother and as I loved him living, so will I cherish his sweet memory forever. "

Eugene V. Debs , Letters of Eugene V. Debs: 3 Vols