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Exposure (Virals, #4) QUOTES

4 " Ella finished her burger and dug into a side of fries. Hi watched, enraptured.
She couldn't help but notice. “Would you like one?”
“What? Sure.” Hi smiled, made no move.
After a moment, Ella nudged the bowl his way. “Careful, they're still hot.”
“Oh, no problem.” Hi fumbled for a fry. “I like food that's hot.”
I caught Shelton slowly shaking his head.
“Oh, shoot!” Ella winced. “I forgot to stop by the office. My mother had to drop off my shin guards.” She slid her fries over to Hi. “Enjoy. They're hot, which apparently you like.”
“Got that right. Hot hot hot!” Hi awkwardly shoved another fry into his mouth.
“Okay, wow.” Ella gathered her things, then brushed my cheek with a kiss. “Later, Tor.” Shouldering her bag, she hurried from the cafeteria.
A loud thunk drew my attention back to the table.
Hi's forehead was resting on his tray. “Tell me that wasn't as bad as I think.”
“Worse,” Shelton said. “So, so much worse.”
Then head rose, then thunked back down. “I don't remember parts. I think I lost time.”
I patted his shoulder. “That's probably for the best.”
“Such.” Thunk. “A.” Thunk. “Dumbass.” Thunk.
Shelton laughed nervously. “See? That's why I don't talk.”
Hi's face shot up. “Tell her I have brain seizures. A serious medical condition. Or that I have an evil twin who sometimes takes my place, but can't talk for crap.”
“Got it," I promised. His head dropped once more. "

Kathy Reichs , Exposure (Virals, #4)

14 " My own walls caved. Tears trickled from the corner of my eyes.
Then strong arms enveloped me.
“Don’t cry.” Ben’s hot breath on my cheek. “We’ll find her. And the twins. I promise.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” I hiccupped. “People always do that.”
“I mean it.” Firmly spoken. “I won’t let us fail. Not at this.”
The sobs broke free. I burrowed into Ben’s chest, letting everything go. I cried and cried and cried, unthinking, releasing a week’s worth of pent-up emotion in a few hot seconds.
Ben held me, silent, softly rubbing my back.
A thought floated from somewhere far away.
This isn’t so bad.
I pushed away, gently breaking Ben’s embrace. Looked into his eyes. His face was a whisper from mine.
I thought of Ben’s confession during the hurricane. How he’d wanted to be more than just packmates. Emotions swirled in my chest, making me dizzy. Off balance.
“Ben . . . I . . .”
My father’s voice sent us flying apart as if electroshocked.
Kit was descending the steps, an odd look on his face.
“Yes?” Discreetly wiping away tears.
I saw a thousand questions fill Kitt’s eyes, but, thankfully, he kept them shelved.
“I hate to do this, kiddo, but Whitney’s party starts in an hour. She’s trying to be patient, but, frankly, that isn’t her strong suit.”
“No. Right.” I stood, smoothing clothes and hair. “Mustn’t keep the Duchess waiting.”
Kit frowned. “Say the word, and we cancel right now. No question.”
“No, sorry. I was just being flip. It’s really fine.” Forced smile. “Might be just the thing.”
“All right, then. We need to get moving.”
Kit glanced at Ben, still sitting on the bench, striving for invisible.
A smile quirked my father’s lips. “And you, Mr. Blue? Ready for a good ol’-fashioned backyard barbeque? My daughter will be there.”
Ben’s uneasy smile was his only response. "

Kathy Reichs , Exposure (Virals, #4)