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Hope(less) (Judgement of the Six #1) QUOTES

23 " You can talk to me, Clay,” I said with a little hope.  I really began to wonder if he could speak.  When he didn’t respond, I spoke again.  “Okay, do you want to go out or stay in?” He moved to the couch and sat in the middle, his choice clear.  Stay in tonight. I hesitated.  The chair, set at an odd angle to the TV, gave you a sore neck if you tried to watch a movie from there.  That meant I’d need to sit next to him to watch a movie.  But I felt so exposed in a skirt and sleeveless shirt. I wasn’t sure if I could sit next to him for a full movie. While I debated my options, he watched me closely. “I’m going to go change,” I stammered. “I’ll be right back.” I turned and made it one step before the back of my shirt snagged on something.  Surprised, I looked over my shoulder and found Clay standing right behind me.  He held a fold of my shirt between his thumb and forefinger.  I could see the glint of his brown eyes behind the still damp strands of his hair.  He tilted his head back toward the couch and gave a slight tug on my shirt.  My stomach dropped, and I couldn’t tell if it was in a good way or a bad one. When I hesitated, he gave another tug.  I surrendered, turned back, and sat on the couch. He padded over to the movies, made a selection I couldn’t see, and crouched to start it.  It amazed me that he knew how to do that.  Then again, he watched everything Rachel and I did.  I wondered if anything escaped his notice. He pressed play, stood, and walked toward me with fluid strides.  I felt graceless in comparison.  He settled next to me and watched the previews.  I tried to focus on them, too, but couldn’t.  Instead, I noticed our bare feet, the scratch on the wall next to the TV, his leg lightly pressed against mine, the sound of the water as it slowly dripped from the showerhead in the bathroom, his hands loosely resting on his lap.  The long list of unimportant details would not let my mind settle. It was midway through the movie when my mind calmed enough to notice we watched an action-comedy I’d wanted to see.  I’d just mentioned it to Rachel this past week.  She must have gotten it after that. Slowly, I began to relax and enjoy the movie.  I even laughed aloud at one point.  Clay’s echoing chuckle startled me, but in a good way.  So, he could do more than growl as a dog.  His deep laugh sounded pleasant. When "

Melissa Haag , Hope(less) (Judgement of the Six #1)

30 " have some questions before we talk about my bribe and your price.”  I crawled back upon the bed and sat on my heels once I reached his side.  “Will you try to answer my questions?” He continued to watch me without answering. “Are you able to physically speak?” After a brief hesitation, he nodded. “Are you ever planning on talking to me?” He smiled wide and nodded again. I nervously noted his teeth were bigger than they’d been a minute ago.  My stomach did a flip, and I could feel the fading blush rekindle and spread across my face. “Clay, were you asking for a kiss?”  I had to know for sure. He nodded slowly and reached out to twine his free right hand with mine.  His thumb soothed the outside of my hand while he waited for me to decide what to do. “Clay, I can’t even see your mouth to know where to kiss.  I hope this bargain includes a shave.” His whiskers twitched, and I guessed he smiled.  He appeared laidback, completely calm as if my answer didn’t affect him at all.  It bolstered my courage. I let go of his hand and leaned forward, bracing myself on his shoulders.  I could see the glint of his eyes as he watched my slow descent.  My stomach churned with nerves and anticipation.  Despite my teasing comment, I found his lips without any problem and lightly touched mine to them.  His warm breath fanned my face, and I pressed closer.  Something inside me melted a little. Closing my eyes, I reached a hand up to gently brush against his face, exploring his brow, ear, and jaw.  He changed the kiss by tilting his head slightly.  His lips began to nibble at mine, slow and easy.  My stomach dipped, and my heart started to flutter with desire. When "

Melissa Haag , Hope(less) (Judgement of the Six #1)

31 " I have some questions before we talk about my bribe and your price.”  I crawled back upon the bed and sat on my heels once I reached his side.  “Will you try to answer my questions?” He continued to watch me without answering. “Are you able to physically speak?” After a brief hesitation, he nodded. “Are you ever planning on talking to me?” He smiled wide and nodded again. I nervously noted his teeth were bigger than they’d been a minute ago.  My stomach did a flip, and I could feel the fading blush rekindle and spread across my face. “Clay, were you asking for a kiss?”  I had to know for sure. He nodded slowly and reached out to twine his free right hand with mine.  His thumb soothed the outside of my hand while he waited for me to decide what to do. “Clay, I can’t even see your mouth to know where to kiss.  I hope this bargain includes a shave.” His whiskers twitched, and I guessed he smiled.  He appeared laidback, completely calm as if my answer didn’t affect him at all.  It bolstered my courage. I let go of his hand and leaned forward, bracing myself on his shoulders.  I could see the glint of his eyes as he watched my slow descent.  My stomach churned with nerves and anticipation.  Despite my teasing comment, I found his lips without any problem and lightly touched mine to them.  His warm breath fanned my face, and I pressed closer.  Something inside me melted a little. Closing my eyes, I reached a hand up to gently brush against his face, exploring his brow, ear, and jaw.  He changed the kiss by tilting his head slightly.  His lips began to nibble at mine, slow and easy.  My stomach dipped, and my heart started to flutter with desire. When "

Melissa Haag , Hope(less) (Judgement of the Six #1)

33 " I mean, he asked for the keys to the truck last night and brought them back earlier this morning.  Truck’s fixed.  I checked myself.  So, I’m wondering what you said to him.” My mouth popped open.  I couldn’t believe he’d actually listened to me.  A silly smile tugged at my mouth.  Did this really mean he’d let me go?  My barely formed smile faded.  Or would I just wake up back in this apartment tomorrow morning if I tried to leave? Sam continued to remake the bed with the clean sheets from the hidden compartment in the matching sofa ottoman. There had to be a catch.  Sam had told me a tied pair didn’t part until completing the Claim.  When Clay had scented me, and I’d recognized him openly, the Elders saw us as a pair.  They, in turn, announced it to everyone over their mental link.  Every werewolf, whether in a pack or Forlorn, recognized our tie.  If my words truly changed Clay’s mind, great—but Sam’s question caused me to begin to doubt that possibility, and I struggled to come up with what I’d overlooked. “The truth,” I said answering Sam’s question.  “Let’s say he is my Mate.  He’s an uneducated man from the backwoods.  How are we going to live?  I can’t turn on the fur like you guys can and live as a wolf like he’s done for most of his life.  Where does that leave us?  I just pointed out that I had to go to school to get the education I needed to land a good job to support myself because he can’t.” Sam had stopped remaking the bed and looked at me in disbelief. “Well, I said it nicer than that.” He gave me a disappointed look. “You don’t know anything about him, Gabby.  He may have lived most of his life in his fur, but it doesn’t mean he isn’t intelligent or that he’s more wolf than man.  You may have caused yourself more trouble than you intended.” I shifted against the door.  “Hold on, I didn’t say either of those things to him.”  Granted, I did tell him he needed to bathe.  “And what do you mean ‘more trouble’?” “He said that you suggested he live with you so you could get to know each other better.” I froze in disbelief.  That is not what I said. “Wait.  Did he actually talk to you?” “Well, I had to put on my fur to understand him since he was in his, but yes.” Sam’s kind communicated in several ways when in their fur—typically, through body language or howls.  Claimed and Mated pairs shared a special bond using an intuitive, mental link.  Once establishing a Claim, the pair could sense strong emotions as well as each other’s location.  Mated pairs had the same ability to communicate with each other as the Elders had with everyone in the pack. I closed my eyes and thought back to my exact wording. “I didn’t say we should live together, but that he should come back with me to get an education.”  Fine, I hadn’t worded it well, but how did he get “hey, we should live together” out of that? “Like I said, you’ve got trouble.”  He gave me another disappointed look, folded the bed back into the sofa, then picked up his bag from the floor.  He strode to the bathroom and closed the door on any further conversation. Crap.  I needed to talk to Clay again and find out what he intended.  I’d been counting on his feral upbringing and his need for freedom to cause him to reject my suggestion—a suggestion that hadn’t included him living with me.  I’d meant he should find a place nearby so we could go through the motions of human dating, which was the extent of my willingness to compromise.  I hadn’t thought he’d take any of it seriously but that, instead, he would just let me go. I "

Melissa Haag , Hope(less) (Judgement of the Six #1)

40 " I stared at Clay as he dragged Luke in by the cuff of one pant leg.  Luke didn’t appear to mind.  Instead, he was laughing.  His hands clutched the waistband of his pants to keep Clay from pulling them off entirely.  After they cleared the threshold, I saw a crowd watching from the hallway.  Not good.  News of this would get back to the Elders.  No doubt Sam would want to talk to me as soon as he found out I was awake.  I moved from the couch to the door and slammed it closed.  The poor door would need some repair work. Clay reached the middle of the room, dropped Luke’s leg, and without pause, turned back to the door.  I didn’t move away from the exit.  He reached for the knob without meeting my gaze, but I stopped him with a hand held up. “Clay, I need you to stay and listen.  Please.” He still didn’t look at me, and I knew asking to speak with Luke had hurt him.  Why wouldn’t it?  Had I really ever given him much hope we had a future together?  Sam showed up at our door just days ago saying I’d rejected Clay and needed to do the Introductions again.  Instead of putting my foot down, we went back.  Granted I’d told Clay I didn’t like to see him hurt and admitted we both knew he was the one for me, but we hadn’t talked about what we’d do about it. “Please,” I said again, when he hadn’t moved.  “Give me a chance.”  I touched his face and forced him to meet my gaze.  “I’ve asked so much of you already and know it’s not fair to ask again, but I am.”  I chose my words carefully aware of our audience inside the apartment and in the hall. He sighed, reached up to cup my face, and gently smoothed his thumb over my cheek.  A tender look crept into his eyes before he abruptly dropped his hands, turned, and headed toward the still laughing Luke.  Clay dragged his feet as he stepped over Luke.  Luke grunted when a foot connected with his ribs, and his laughter started to quiet. As "

Melissa Haag , Hope(less) (Judgement of the Six #1)