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Whisper of Jasmine (City of Jasmine, #0.5) QUOTES

9 " Do you know what the word fey means?”

He shrugged. “It’s a Scots word, isn’t it? Something to do with fairies?”

“It means a sort of grand happiness, a joy so indescribable that it must be followed by a terrible calamity.”

He began to understand, and he enfolded her in his arms. “I see, pet. You’re worried it’s all too wonderful, is that it? That we should have found each other like this, on this night?”

She tipped back her head to look from his silvered face to the moon. “It’s like something in a romantic novel. There’s a war on and it’s New Year’s Eve, and I’m wearing my first Worth gown in the moonlight. And there’s you. I shouldn’t tell you because it isn’t modest or proper, but I think you’re marvelous. You’re handsome and debonair and you’ve the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen on a man. Actually, you’ve the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen anywhere. And for you to...” she hesitated then plunged on, “for you to want me, too, it’s just too unbelievable. It’s all too perfect. You’re too perfect.”

Again he suppressed the urge to laugh. “My darling girl, I wouldn’t tread on your feelings for all the world, but someday, when we’re both more than forty, I’m going to remind you of this night when we found each other for the first time and you thought I must be perfect.”

“Aren’t you?” she demanded.

“Not a bit. In fact, I’ll tell you everything that’s wrong with me. "

Deanna Raybourn , Whisper of Jasmine (City of Jasmine, #0.5)