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The Hunchback of Notre-Dame QUOTES

101 " And then, on his soul and conscience, [Gringoire] ... was not very sure that he was madly in love with the gypsy. He loved her goat almost as dearly. It was a charming animal, gentle, intelligent, clever; a learned goat. Nothing was more common in the Middle Ages than these learned animals, which amazed people greatly, and often led their instructors to the stake. But the witchcraft of the goat with the golden hoofs was a very innocent species of magic. Gringoire explained them to the archdeacon, whom these details seemed to interest deeply. In the majority of cases, it was sufficient to present the tambourine to the goat in such or such a manner, in order to obtain from him the trick desired. He had been trained to this by the gypsy, who possessed, in these delicate arts, so rare a talent that two months had sufficed to teach the goat to write, with movable letters, the word “Phœbus.”

“‘Phœbus!’” said the priest; “why ‘Phœbus’?”

“I know not,” replied Gringoire. “Perhaps it is a word which she believes to be endowed with some magic and secret virtue. She often repeats it in a low tone when she thinks that she is alone.”

“Are you sure,” persisted Claude, with his penetrating glance, “that it is only a word and not a name?”

“The name of whom?” said the poet.

“How should I know?” said the priest.

“This is what I imagine, messire. These Bohemians are something like Guebrs, and adore the sun. Hence, Phœbus.”

“That does not seem so clear to me as to you, Master Pierre.”

“After all, that does not concern me. Let her mumble her Phœbus at her pleasure. One thing is certain, that Djali loves me almost as much as he does her.”

“Who is Djali?”

“The goat.”

The archdeacon dropped his chin into his hand, and appeared to reflect for a moment. All at once he turned abruptly to Gringoire once more.

“And do you swear to me that you have not touched her?”

“Whom?” said Gringoire; “the goat?”

“No, that woman.”

“My wife? I swear to you that I have not.”

“You are often alone with her?”

“A good hour every evening.”

Dom Claude frowned.

“Oh! oh! Solus cum sola non cogitabuntur orare Pater Noster.”

“Upon my soul, I could say the Pater, and the Ave Maria, and the Credo in Deum patrem omnipotentem without her paying any more attention to me than a chicken to a church.”

“Swear to me, by the body of your mother,” repeated the archdeacon violently, “that you have not touched that creature with even the tip of your finger.”

“I will also swear it by the head of my father, for the two things have more affinity between them. But, my reverend master, permit me a question in my turn.”

“Speak, sir.”

“What concern is it of yours?”

The archdeacon’s pale face became as crimson as the cheek of a young girl. "

Victor Hugo , The Hunchback of Notre-Dame

102 " And if you wish to receive of the ancient city an impression with which the modern one can no longer furnish you, climb—on the morning of some grand festival, beneath the rising sun of Easter or of Pentecost—climb upon some elevated point, whence you command the entire capital; and be present at the wakening of the chimes. Behold, at a signal given from heaven, for it is the sun which gives it, all those churches quiver simultaneously. First come scattered strokes, running from one church to another, as when musicians give warning that they are about to begin. Then, all at once, behold!—for it seems at times, as though the ear also possessed a sight of its own,—behold, rising from each bell tower, something like a column of sound, a cloud of harmony. First, the vibration of each bell mounts straight upwards, pure and, so to speak, isolated from the others, into the splendid morning sky; then, little by little, as they swell they melt together, mingle, are lost in each other, and amalgamate in a magnificent concert. It is no longer anything but a mass of sonorous vibrations incessantly sent forth from the numerous belfries; floats, undulates, bounds, whirls over the city, and prolongs far beyond the horizon the deafening circle of its oscillations.

Nevertheless, this sea of harmony is not a chaos; great and profound as it is, it has not lost its transparency; you behold the windings of each group of notes which escapes from the belfries. You can follow the dialogue, by turns grave and shrill, of the treble and the bass; you can see the octaves leap from one tower to another; you watch them spring forth, winged, light, and whistling, from the silver bell, to fall, broken and limping from the bell of wood; you admire in their midst the rich gamut which incessantly ascends and re-ascends the seven bells of Saint-Eustache; you see light and rapid notes running across it, executing three or four luminous zigzags, and vanishing like flashes of lightning. Yonder is the Abbey of Saint-Martin, a shrill, cracked singer; here the gruff and gloomy voice of the Bastille; at the other end, the great tower of the Louvre, with its bass. The royal chime of the palace scatters on all sides, and without relaxation, resplendent trills, upon which fall, at regular intervals, the heavy strokes from the belfry of Notre-Dame, which makes them sparkle like the anvil under the hammer. At intervals you behold the passage of sounds of all forms which come from the triple peal of Saint-Germain-des-Prés. Then, again, from time to time, this mass of sublime noises opens and gives passage to the beats of the Ave Maria, which bursts forth and sparkles like an aigrette of stars. Below, in the very depths of the concert, you confusedly distinguish the interior chanting of the churches, which exhales through the vibrating pores of their vaulted roofs.

Assuredly, this is an opera which it is worth the trouble of listening to. Ordinarily, the noise which escapes from Paris by day is the city speaking; by night, it is the city breathing; in this case, it is the city singing. Lend an ear, then, to this concert of bell towers; spread over all the murmur of half a million men, the eternal plaint of the river, the infinite breathings of the wind, the grave and distant quartette of the four forests arranged upon the hills, on the horizon, like immense stacks of organ pipes; extinguish, as in a half shade, all that is too hoarse and too shrill about the central chime, and say whether you know anything in the world more rich and joyful, more golden, more dazzling, than this tumult of bells and chimes;—than this furnace of music,—than these ten thousand brazen voices chanting simultaneously in the flutes of stone, three hundred feet high,—than this city which is no longer anything but an orchestra,—than this symphony which produces the noise of a tempest. "

Victor Hugo , The Hunchback of Notre-Dame

104 " The presence of this extraordinary being caused, as it were, a breath of life to circulate throughout the entire cathedral. It seemed as though there escaped from him, at least according to the growing superstitions of the crowd, a mysterious emanation which animated all the stones of Notre-Dame, and made the deep bowels of the ancient church to palpitate. It sufficed for people to know that he was there, to make them believe that they beheld the thousand statues of the galleries and the fronts in motion. And the cathedral did indeed seem a docile and obedient creature beneath his hand; it waited on his will to raise its great voice; it was possessed and filled with Quasimodo, as with a familiar spirit. One would have said that he made the immense edifice breathe. He was everywhere about it; in fact, he multiplied himself on all points of the structure. Now one perceived with affright at the very top of one of the towers, a fantastic dwarf climbing, writhing, crawling on all fours, descending outside above the abyss, leaping from projection to projection, and going to ransack the belly of some sculptured gorgon; it was Quasimodo dislodging the crows. Again, in some obscure corner of the church one came in contact with a sort of living chimera, crouching and scowling; it was Quasimodo engaged in thought. Sometimes one caught sight, upon a bell tower, of an enormous head and a bundle of disordered limbs swinging furiously at the end of a rope; it was Quasimodo ringing vespers or the Angelus. Often at night a hideous form was seen wandering along the frail balustrade of carved lacework, which crowns the towers and borders the circumference of the apse; again it was the hunchback of Notre-Dame. Then, said the women of the neighborhood, the whole church took on something fantastic, supernatural, horrible; eyes and mouths were opened, here and there; one heard the dogs, the monsters, and the gargoyles of stone, which keep watch night and day, with outstretched neck and open jaws, around the monstrous cathedral, barking. And, if it was a Christmas Eve, while the great bell, which seemed to emit the death rattle, summoned the faithful to the midnight mass, such an air was spread over the sombre façade that one would have declared that the grand portal was devouring the throng, and that the rose window was watching it. And all this came from Quasimodo. Egypt would have taken him for the god of this temple; the Middle Ages believed him to be its demon: he was in fact its soul. "

Victor Hugo , The Hunchback of Notre-Dame

105 " Vous avez été enfant, lecteur, et vous êtes peut-être assez heureux pour l'être encore. Il n'est pas que vous n'ayez plus d'une fois (et pour mon compte j'y ai passé des journées entières, les mieux employées de ma vie) suivi de broussaille en broussaille, au bord d'une eau vive, par un jour de soleil, quelque belle demoiselle verte ou bleue, brisant son vol à angles brusques et baisant le bout de toutes les branches. Vous vous rappelez avec quelle curiosité amoureuse votre pensée et votre regard s'attachaient à ce petit tourbillon sifflant et bourdonnant, d'ailes de pourpre et d'azur, au milieu duquel flottait une forme insaisissable voilée par la rapidité même de son mouvement. L'être aérien qui se dessinait confusément à travers ce frémissement d'ailes vous paraissait chimérique, imaginaire, impossible à toucher, impossible à voir. Mais lorsque enfin la demoiselle se reposait à la pointe d'un roseau et que vous pouviez examiner, en retenant votre souffle, les longues ailes de gaze, la longue robe d'émail, les deux globes de cristal, quel étonnement n'éprouviez-vous pas et quelle peur de voir de nouveau la forme s'en aller en ombre et l'être en chimère ! Rappelez-vous ces impressions, et vous vous rendrez aisément compte de ce que ressentait Gringoire en contemplant sous sa forme visible et palpable cette Esmeralda qu'il n'avait entrevue jusque-là qu'à travers un tourbillon de danse, de chant et de tumulte. "

Victor Hugo , The Hunchback of Notre-Dame

111 " Oh ! aimer une femme ! être prêtre ! être haï ! l’aimer de toutes les fureurs de son âme, sentir qu’on donnerait pour le moindre de ses sourires son sang, ses entrailles, sa renommée, son salut, l’immortalité et l’éternité, cette vie et l’autre ; regretter de ne pas être roi, génie, empereur, archange, dieu, pour lui mettre un plus grand esclave sous les pieds ; l’étreindre nuit et jour de ses rêves et de ses pensées ; et la voir amoureuse d’une livrée de soldat ! et n’avoir à lui offrir qu’une sale soutane de prêtre dont elle aura peur et dégoût ! Être présent, avec sa jalousie et sa rage, tandis qu’elle prodigue à un misérable fanfaron imbécile des trésors d’amour et de beauté ! Voir ce corps dont la forme vous brûle, ce sein qui a tant de douceur, cette chair palpiter et rougir sous les baisers d’un autre ! Ô ciel ! aimer son pied, son bras, son épaule, songer à ses veines bleues, à sa peau brune, jusqu’à s’en tordre des nuits entières sur le pavé de sa cellule, et voir toutes les caresses qu’on a rêvées pour elle aboutir à la torture ! N’avoir réussi qu’à la coucher sur le lit de cuir ! Oh ! ce sont là les véritables tenailles rougies au feu de l’enfer ! Oh ! bienheureux celui qu’on scie entre deux planches, et qu’on écartèle à quatre chevaux ! — Sais-tu ce que c’est que ce supplice que vous font subir, durant les longues nuits, vos artères qui bouillonnent, votre cœur qui crève, votre tête qui rompt, vos dents qui mordent vos mains ; tourmenteurs acharnés qui vous retournent sans relâche, comme sur un gril ardent, sur une pensée d’amour, de jalousie et de désespoir ! Jeune fille, grâce ! trêve un moment ! un peu de cendre sur cette braise ! Essuie, je t’en conjure, la sueur qui ruisselle à grosses gouttes de mon front ! Enfant ! torture-moi d’une main, mais caresse-moi de l’autre ! Aie pitié, jeune fille ! aie pitié de moi ! "

Victor Hugo , The Hunchback of Notre-Dame

114 " Questo ucciderà quello. Il libro ucciderà l’edificio.
L’invenzione della stampa è il più grande avvenimento della storia. E’ la rivoluzione madre. E’ il completo rinnovarsi del modo di espressione dell’umanità, è il pensiero umano che si spoglia di una forma e ne assume un’altra, è il completo e definitivo mutamento di pelle di quel serpente simbolico che, da Adamo in poi, rappresenta l’intelligenza.
Sotto forma di stampa, il pensiero è più che mai imperituro. E’ volatile, inafferrabile, indistruttibile. Si fonde con l’aria. Al tempo dell’architettura, diveniva montagna e si impadroniva con forza di un secolo e di un luogo. Ora diviene stormo di uccelli, si sparpaglia ai quattro venti e occupa contemporaneamente tutti i punti dell’aria e dello spazio..
Da solido che era, diventa vivo. Passa dalla durata all’ immortalità. Si può distruggere una mole, ma come estirpare l’ubiquità? Venga pure un diluvio, e anche quando la montagna sarà sparita sotto i flutti da molto tempo, gli uccelli voleranno ancora; e basterà che solo un’arca galleggi alla superficie del cataclisma, ed essi vi poseranno, sopravvivranno con quella, con quella assisteranno al decrescere delle acque, e il nuovo mondo che emergerà da questo caos svegliandosi vedrà planare su di sé, alato e vivente, il pensiero del mondo sommerso.

Bisogna ammirare e sfogliare incessantemente il libro scritto dall'architettura, ma non bisogna negare la grandezza dell'edificio che la stampa erige a sua volta.
Questo edificio è colossale. E’ il formicaio delle intelligenze. E’ l’alveare in cui tutte le immaginazioni, queste api dorate, arrivano con il loro miele. L’edificio ha mille piani. Sulle sue rampe si vedono sbucare qua e là delle caverne tenebrose della scienza intrecciantisi nelle sue viscere. Per tutta la sua superficie l’arte fa lussureggiare davanti allo sguardo arabeschi, rosoni, merletti. La stampa, questa macchina gigante che pompa senza tregua tutta la linfa intellettuale della società, vomita incessantemente nuovi materiali per l’opera sua. Tutto il genere umano è sull’ impalcatura. Ogni spirito è muratore. Il più umile tura il suo buco o posa la sua pietra. Certo, è anche questa una costruzione che cresce e si ammucchia in spirali senza fine, anche qui c’è confusione di lingue, attività incessante, lavoro infaticabile, concorso accanito dell’umanità intera, rifugio promesso all’ intelligenza contro un nuovo diluvio, contro un’invasione di barbari. E’ la seconda torre di Babele del genere umano."

- Notre-Dame de Paris, V. Hugo "

Victor Hugo , The Hunchback of Notre-Dame

117 " Je ne crois pas qu’il y ait rien au monde de plus riant que les idées qui s’éveillent dans le cœur d’une mère à la vue du petit soulier de son enfant. Surtout si c’est le soulier de fête, des dimanches, du baptême, le soulier brodé jusque sous la semelle, un soulier avec lequel l’enfant n’a pas encore fait un pas. Ce soulier-là a tant de grâce et de petitesse, il lui est si impossible de marcher, que c’est pour la mère comme si elle voyait son enfant. Elle lui sourit, elle le baise, elle lui parle. Elle se demande s’il se peut en effet qu’un pied soit si petit ; et, l’enfant fût-il absent, il suffit du joli soulier pour lui remettre sous les yeux la douce et fragile créature. Elle croit le voir, elle le voit, tout entier, vivant, joyeux, avec ses mains délicates, sa tête ronde, ses lèvres pures, ses yeux sereins dont le blanc est bleu. Si c’est l’hiver, il est là, il rampe sur le tapis, il escalade laborieusement un tabouret, et la mère tremble qu’il n’approche du feu. Si c’est l’été, il se traîne dans la cour, dans le jardin, arrache l’herbe d’entre les pavés, regarde naïvement les grands chiens, les grands chevaux, sans peur, joue avec les coquillages, avec les fleurs, et fait gronder le jardinier qui trouve le sable dans les plates-bandes et la terre dans les allées. Tout rit, tout brille, tout joue autour de lui comme lui, jusqu’au souffle d’air et au rayon de soleil qui s’ébattent à l’envi dans les boucles follettes de ses cheveux. Le soulier montre tout cela à la mère et lui fait fondre le cœur comme le feu une cire. "

Victor Hugo , The Hunchback of Notre-Dame