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Lover Unbound (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #5) QUOTES

112 " He got up out of bed, walked across the room, and put his glowing hand to her face with hesitation. On a sigh she leaned into the imprint of his palm and the warmth of his flesh. “Is this you?” he said hoarsely.
She nodded and reached out to his cheeks, which were a little red. “You’ve been crying.”
He captured her hand. “I feel you.”
“Me, too.”
He touched her neck, her shoulder, her sternum. Brought her arm forward and looked at it…well, through it.
“Um…so I can sit on things,” she said for no particular reason. “I mean…while I was waiting out there, I sat on the couch. I also moved a picture on the wall, put a penny back in your change dish, picked up a magazine. It’s a little weird, but all I have to do is concentrate.” Shit. She had no idea what she was saying. “The, ah…the Scribe Virgin said I could eat but I didn’t have to. She said…I could drink, too. I’m not sure how it all works, but she seems to know. Yeah. So. Anyway, I think it’s going to take some time to figure out the drill, but…”
He put his hand into her hair and it felt the same as it had before. Her nonexistent body registered the sensations exactly as it had before. He frowned, then looked downright angry. “She said it required a sacrifice. To bring someone back. What did you give her? What did you bargain with?”
“How do you mean?”
“She doesn’t give things away without demanding something in return. What did she take from you?”
“Nothing. She never asked me for anything.”
He shook his head and seemed like he was going to speak. But then he wrapped his heavy arms around her and held her against his trembling, glowing body. Unlike the other times when she had to concentrate to find solidity, with V it just happened. Against him, she was corporeal with no effort on her part. She could tell he was crying by the way he breathed and the fact that he leaned on her, but she knew that if she made any mention of it, or tried to soothe him with words, he would stop on a dime. So she just held him and let him go. Then again, she was kind of busy holding herself together.
“I thought I would never get to do this again,” he said in a voice that cracked.

-Vishous & Jane "

J.R. Ward , Lover Unbound (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #5)

113 " He looked her face over, loving the strong features and the short hair and the piercing forest green eyes. “I never would have asked you, you know…to blow everything you have here away for me.”
“That’s only one of the reasons I love you.”
“Will you tell me the others later?”
“Maybe.” She slipped her hand between his legs, shocking the shit out of him and making him gasp. “Might show you, too.”
He covered her mouth with his and pushed his tongue into her as he backed her up against the wall. He didn’t care if Rhage waited on the front lawn for an extra— His phone went off. And kept ringing. V lifted his head and looked through the window by the front door. Rhage was on the front lawn, phone to his ear, staring back. The brother made a show of checking his watch, then flashing his middle finger at V. Vishous pounded a fist into the Sheetrock and stepped off from Jane. “I’m coming back at the end of the night. Be naked.”
“Wouldn’t you rather undress me?”
“No, because I’d shred that shirt, and I want you sleeping in it every night until you’re in my bed with me. Be. Naked.”
“We’ll see.”
His whole body throbbed at the disobedience. And she knew it, her stare level and erotic. “God, I love you,” he said.
“I know. Now run along and kill something. I’ll be waiting for you.”
He smiled at her. “Couldn’t love you more if I tried.”
He kissed her and dematerialized out front to Rhage’s side, making sure some mhis was in place. Oh, great. It was raining. Man, he’d so much rather be cozied up with Jane than out with his brother, and he couldn’t help but shoot a short-stack glare at Rhage. “Like another five minutes would kill you?”
“Please. You start down that road with your female and I’ll be here until summer.”

-Vishous, Jane, & Rhage "

J.R. Ward , Lover Unbound (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #5)