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Seduce Me at Sunrise (The Hathaways, #2) QUOTES

124 " I can’t be alone with you. This can’t happen again.” This, Win decided with a surge of anger, was an impossible situation. Merripen refused to acknowledge his feelings for her and wouldn’t explain why. Surely she deserved more trust from him than that. “Very well,” she said stiffly, struggling to her feet. As Merripen stood and reached for her, she pushed impatiently at his hand. “No, I don’t want help.” She began to shake out her skirts. “You are absolutely right, Merripen. We should not be alone together, since the result is always a foregone conclusion: you make an advance, I respond, and then you push me away. I am no child’s toy to be pulled back and forth on a string, Kev.” He found her bonnet and handed it to her. “I know you’re not—” “You say I don’t know you,” she said furiously. “Apparently it hasn’t occurred to you that you don’t know me, either. You’re quite certain of who I am, aren’t you? But I’ve changed during the past two years. You might at least make an effort to find out what kind of woman I’ve become.” She went to the end of the fabric corridor, peeked out to make certain the coast was clear, and she stepped out into the main part of the court. Merripen followed. “Where are you going?” Glancing at him, Win was satisfied to see that he looked as rumpled and exasperated as she felt. “I’m leaving. I’m too cross to enjoy any of the displays now. "

Lisa Kleypas , Seduce Me at Sunrise (The Hathaways, #2)