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Equinox Whispers of Destiny QUOTES

2 " The end of this short story could be a rather disturbing thing, if it came true. I hope you like it, and if you do, be sure to COMMENT and SHARE.

Paradoxes of Destiny?
Dani! My boy! Are you all right? Where are you? Have you hurt yourself? Are you all right? Daniiii! Why won’t you answer? It’s so cold and dark here. I can’t see a thing… It’s so silent. Dani? Can you hear me? I shouldn’t have looked at that text message while I was driving… I shouldn’t have done it! I'm so stupid sometimes! Son, are you all right?... We really wrecked the car when we rolled it! I can’t see or hear a thing… Am I in hospital? Am I dead…? Dani? Your silence is killing me… Are you all right?! I can see a glimmer of light. I feel trapped. Dani, are you there? I can’t move. It’s like I’m wrapped in this mossy green translucent plastic. I have to get out of here. The light is getting more and more intense. I think I can tear the wrapping that’s holding me in. I'm almost out. The light is blinding me. What a strange place. I've never seen anything like it. It doesn’t look like Earth. Am I dead? On another planet? Oh God, look at those hideous monsters! They’re so creepy and disgusting! They look like extraterrestrials. They’re aliens! I'm on another planet! I can’t believe it. I need to get the hell out here. Those monsters are going to devour me. I have to get away. I’m so scared. Am I floating? Am I flying? I’m going to go higher to try to escape. I can’t see the aliens anymore and the landscape looks less terrifying. I think I've made it. It’s very windy. Is that a highway? I think I can see some vehicles down there. Could they be the extraterrestrials’ transport? I’m going to go down a bit. I see people! Am I on Earth? Could this be a parallel universe? Where could Dani be? I shouldn’t have looked at that text message while I was driving. I shouldn’t…
That tower down there looks a lot like the water tank in my town… It’s identical. But the water tank in my town doesn’t have that huge tower block next to it. It all looks very similar to my neighborhood, but it isn’t exactly the same: there are a lot of tower blocks here. There’s the river… and the factory. It’s definitely my neighborhood, but it looks kind of different. I must be in a parallel universe…
It’s amazing that I can float. People don’t seem to notice my presence. Am I a ghost?
I have to get back home and see if Dani’s there. God, I hope he’s safe and sound. Gabriela must be out of her mind with the crash.
There’s my house! Home sweet home. And whose are those cars? The front of the house has been painted a different color… This is all so strange! There’s someone in the garden… Those trees I planted in the spring have really grown.
Is… is that… Dani? Yes, yes! It’s Dani. But he looks so different… He looks older, he looks… like a big boy! What’s important is that he’s OK. I need to hug him tight and tell him how much I love him. Can he see me if I’m a ghost? I'll go up to him slowly so I don’t scare him. I need to hold him tight.
He can’t see me, I won’t get any closer. He moved his head, I think he’s started to realize I’m here…
Wow I’m so hungry all of a sudden! I can’t stop! How are you doing, son?! It’s me! Your dad! My dear boy? I can’t stop! I'm too hungry! Ahhhh, so delicious! What a pleasure! Nooo Daniii! Nooooo!.... I’m your daaaad!...
“Mum, bring the insect repellent, the garden’s full of mosquitoes,” grunted Daniel as he wiped the blood from the palm of his hand on his trousers. Gabriela was just coming out. She did an about turn and went back into her house, and shouted “Darling, bring the insect repellent, it’s on the fireplace…”
Absolute cold and silence…

(1) This note is for those who have read EQUINOX—WHISPERS OF DESTINY. This story is a spin-off of the novel EQUINOX—WHISPERS OF DESTINY and revolves around Letus’s curious theories about the possibility of animal reincarnation. "

Gonzalo Guma , Equinox Whispers of Destiny

Have you ever had the feeling that someone was playing with your destiny? If so, this book is for you!
Destiny is certainly something people like to talk about. Wherever we go, we hear it mentioned in conversations or proverbs that seek to lay bare its mysteries.
If we analyse people’s attitude towards destiny a little, we find straight away that at one extreme are those who believe that everything in life is planned by a higher power and that therefore things always happen for a reason, even though our limited human understanding cannot comprehend why.
In this perspective, everything is preordained, regardless of what we do or don’t do.
At the other extreme we find the I can do it! believers. These focus on themselves: anything is possible if done with conviction, as part of the plan that they have drawn up themselves as the architects of their own Destiny.
We can safely say that everything happens for a reason. Whether it’s because of decisions we take or simply because circumstances determine it, there is always more causation than coincidence in life. But sometimes such strange things happen! The most insignificant occurrence or decision can give way to the most unexpected futures.
Indeed, such twists of fate may well be the reason why you are reading my book now. Do you have any idea of the number of events, circumstances and decisions that had to conspire for me to write this and for you to be reading it now? There are so many coincidences that had to come together that it might almost seem a whim of destiny that today we are connected by these words. One infinitesimal change in that bunch of circumstances and everything would have been quite different…
All these fascinating issues are to be found in Equinox.
I enjoy fantasy literature very much because of all the reality it involves. As a reader you’re relaxed, your defences down, trying to enjoy an loosely-structured adventure. This is the ideal space for you to allow yourself to be carried away to an imaginary world that, paradoxically, will leave you reflecting on real life questions that have little to do with fiction, although we may not understand them completely. "

Gonzalo Guma , Equinox Whispers of Destiny

11 " PROLOGUE Equinox: Whispers of Destiny
Have you ever had the feeling that someone was playing with your destiny? If so, this book is for you.
Destiny is certainly a topic people like to talk about. Wherever we go, we hear it mentioned in conversations or proverbs that seek to lay bare its mysteries.

If we analyze people’s attitude towards destiny a little, we find straight away that at one extreme there are those who believe that everything in life is planned by a higher power and that therefore things always happen for a reason, even though our limited human understanding cannot comprehend why. In that perspective, everything is preordained, regardless of what we do or don’t do.

At the other extreme we find the I can do it! Believers. These focus on themselves: anything is possible if done with conviction, as part of the plan that they have drawn up themselves as the architects of their own destiny.

We can safely say that everything happens for a reason. Whether it’s because of decisions we take or simply because circumstances determine it, there is always more causation than coincidence in life. But sometimes such strange things happen. The most insignificant occurrence or decision can give way to the most unexpected futures.

Indeed, such twists of fate may well be the reason why you are reading my book now. Do you have any idea of the number of events, circumstances and decisions that had to conspire for me to write this and for you to be reading it now? There are so many coincidences that had to come together that it might almost seem a whim of destiny that today we are connected by these words. One infinitesimal change in that set of circumstances and everything would have been quite different…

All these fascinating ideas are to be found in Equinox.

I am drawn to fantasy literature because of all the coincidences to reality. As a reader you’re relaxed, your defenses down, trusting the writer to take you on an adventure. This is the ideal space for you to allow yourself to be carried away to an imaginary world that, paradoxically, will leave you reflecting on life questions that have little to do with fiction, but I ask you that perhaps maybe they do.  

Gonzalo Guma "

Gonzalo Guma , Equinox Whispers of Destiny


Sentí un silencio frío y absoluto.

¡Dani! ¡Hijito! ¿Estás bien? ¿Dónde estás? ¿Te hiciste daño?¡¿Daniiiii?! ¿Por qué no me contestás hijo? Qué oscuro y frío está todo. No puedo ver nada. Qué silencio. ¿Dani? ¿Me escuchás? ¿Estás bien hijito? No tendría que haber mirado ese mensaje mientras manejaba. ¡Qué estúpido que soy a veces! Hijito, ¿estás bien? ¡Volcamos y nos hicimos pelota! No veo ni escucho nada, no sé dónde estoy.

¿Estaré internado? ¿Estaré muerto? ¿Dani? Me mata tu silencio. ¡¿Estás bien?!

Pará, ya puedo ver un leve resplandor. Me siento atrapado. Dani, ¿estás ahí? Carajo, no puedo moverme. Estoy como envuelto en un plástico. Tengo que salir de acá. Hay una luz ¿la ves Dani? Es cada vez más intensa. A ver, sí, creo que puedo romper esta envoltura. Ya estoy casi afuera. La luz me enceguece. Qué lugar más extraño. Nunca había visto algo así ¿y vos?

No se parece a la Tierra. ¿Estaré muerto? ¿En otro planeta? ¡Uy, por Dios, y esos monstruos espantosos! ¡Qué asquerosos y espeluznantes que son! Parecen extraterrestres. ¡Son Aliens! ¡Estoy en otro planeta, claramente! No puedo creerlo. Necesito escapar urgente o estos monstruos seguro que me devoran. Tengo que alejarme. Tengo mucho miedo. ¿Estoy flotando? ¿Estoy volando? Sí, vuelo. ¿A ver? Voy a subir más alto para tratar de escapar.

Ya no veo a los Aliens y el paisaje parece menos aterrador. Creo que lo logré. Hay mucho viento. ¿Es eso una carretera? Se ven como unos vehículos allá abajo. ¿Serán los transportes de los extraterrestres? Voy a descender un poco. ¡Veo personas! ¿Estoy en la Tierra? ¿Será esto un universo paralelo? ¿Dónde estará Dani? ¡Daniiiiii! No tendría que haber mirado ese mensaje mientras manejaba.

Esa torre que está allá abajo se parece mucho al tanque de agua de mi pueblo. Es idéntica; pero la torre de mi pueblo no tiene ese inmenso edificio al lado. Todo esto es muy semejante a mi barrio, pero no es exactamente igual: hay muchos más edificios acá. Ahí está el río. Ah, y la fábrica. Definitivamente es mi barrio, pero luce algo diferente. Debo estar en un universo paralelo nomás.

Es increíble que pueda flotar. La gente parece no advertir mi presencia. ¿Seré un fantasma?

Tengo que volver a mi casa para ver si está Dani. Dios quiera que esté sano y salvo. Gabriela debe estar preocupadísima por el choque.

¡Ahí está mi casa! ¿Y esos autos de quiénes serán? La fachada está pintada de otro color. ¡Qué extraño todo! Hay alguien en el jardín. ¡Qué crecidos están los árboles que planté en primavera!

Es…es… ¡¿Dani?! Sí, ¡sí! ¡Es Dani! Pero qué cambiado está, parece más grande, parece… ¡todo un muchacho! Lo importante es que está bien por suerte. Necesito abrazarlo bien fuerte y decirle cuánto lo quiero. ¿Podrá verme si soy un fantasma? Me voy a acercar despacito para no asustarlo. Necesito tocarlo, acariciarlo.

¿No me ve? Me voy a acercar más. Ahora sí, al menos movió la cabeza, creo que ya notó mi presencia.

¡Qué hambre me agarró de golpe! ¡No puedo detenerme! ¡¿Qué haces hijito?! ¡Soy yo! ¡Tu papá! ¿Hijito querido? ¡No puedo frenarme! ¡Tengo demasiada hambre! ¡Ahhhh qué ricoooo! ¡Qué placeeeer! ¡Nooo Daniii! ¡Noooooo!... ¡Soy tu papá!...


–Mamá, trae repelente que está lleno de mosquitos en el jardín –gruñó Daniel, mientras limpiaba en su pantalón la sangre que tenía en la palma de su mano derecha. Gabriela, que justo salía, frenó con brusquedad su marcha, se dio vuelta hacia la casa, y gritó:
-¡Querido, trae por favor el repelente que está arriba de la chimenea!

De nuevo el silencio frío y absoluto.


Gonzalo Guma , Equinox Whispers of Destiny

son generalmente palabras, pero pueden ser también imágenes e incluso aromas o situaciones, que se encuentran asociados con sentimientos y recuerdos muy profundos y fuertes, ya sean buenos o malos. Al activarse el Hot Button, la persona evoca casi involuntariamente estos sentimientos, provocando muchas veces una desestabilización emocional o cambios abruptos de actitud –explicó Augustus mientras Nicolás lo escuchaba atentamente.
Todos tenemos en nuestro interior Hot Buttons, algunos evidentes, otros, ocultos en la profundidad de nuestro inconsciente. Al ser “presionados”, disparan automáticamente fuertes emociones.

Como dije anteriormente, los Hot Buttons pueden ser a veces positivos y en otras, negativos. Por ejemplo, en el amor solemos encontrar abundantemente de los dos tipos. Un lugar, una foto, un perfume, una canción, una persona, una palabra, un texto, hasta cosas aparentemente insignificantes, a veces te hacen transportar casi inevitablemente a fuertes recuerdos y sensaciones. Uno va caminando por la calle, concentrado en temas laborales y justo escucha sin querer “aquella” canción del primer beso de un GRAN AMOR. Si esta canción te hace acordar a un amor frustrado, posiblemente estemos hablando de un Hot Button negativo; si -en cambio- te recuerda al actual amor, probablemente sea positivo. En ambos casos, es muy probable que a causa del mismo nos cambie el humor del momento, la concentración y hasta incluso actuemos diferente respecto a si no hubiésemos escuchado “esa” canción. Más de uno en estos casos, habrá llegado casi desesperado a su trabajo, y rastreado ese viejo número telefónico que estaba guardado en algún lugar recóndito…

Negativos, hay miles también. Muchos se relacionan con complejos y malas experiencias sufridas. El que se quema con leche, ve una vaca y llora, dicen con sabiduría. Los complejos de inferioridad, en todas sus variantes, contienen muchísimos Hot Buttons. Ni que hablar de aquellas personas que tienen problemas con su ego y autoestima. ¡Qué tema el EGO!…

Muchas veces, en peleas entre personas cercanas, se suelen decir “verdades” espantosas y crueles, ya que embargadas por su ira, no se contienen, no filtran y no miden entonces sus palabras, ni sus consecuencias. En estas ocasiones, se suele meter el dedo en la llaga y esto suele provocar un aumento estrepitoso de la riña, que muchas veces incluso deriva en secuelas no deseadas…

Meter el dedo en la llaga, es sin duda haber apretado un Hot Buttons muy concreto...

La cuestión es que si alguien logra identificar tus Hot Buttons, se imaginan lo que pueden provocar en vos si sabe utilizarlos… qué miedo… ¿no?...

¿Vos tenes identificados cuáles son tus Hot Buttons? Contanos…

Gonzalo GUMA "

Gonzalo Guma , Equinox Whispers of Destiny

18 " The end of this short story could be a rather disturbing thing, if it came true. I hope you like it, and if you do, be sure to COMMENT and SHARE.

Paradoxes of Destiny?
Dani! My boy! Are you all right? Where are you? Have you hurt yourself? Are you all right? Daniiii! Why won’t you answer? It’s so cold and dark here. I can’t see a thing… It’s so silent. Dani? Can you hear me? I shouldn’t have looked at that text message while I was driving… I shouldn’t have done it! I'm so stupid sometimes! Son, are you all right?... We really wrecked the car when we rolled it! I can’t see or hear a thing… Am I in hospital? Am I dead…? Dani? Your silence is killing me… Are you all right?! I can see a glimmer of light. I feel trapped. Dani, are you there? I can’t move. It’s like I’m wrapped in this mossy green translucent plastic. I have to get out of here. The light is getting more and more intense. I think I can tear the wrapping that’s holding me in. I'm almost out. The light is blinding me. What a strange place. I've never seen anything like it. It doesn’t look like Earth. Am I dead? On another planet? Oh God, look at those hideous monsters! They’re so creepy and disgusting! They look like extraterrestrials. They’re aliens! I'm on another planet! I can’t believe it. I need to get the hell out here. Those monsters are going to devour me. I have to get away. I’m so scared. Am I floating? Am I flying? I’m going to go higher to try to escape. I can’t see the aliens anymore and the landscape looks less terrifying. I think I've made it. It’s very windy. Is that a highway? I think I can see some vehicles down there. Could they be the extraterrestrials’ transport? I’m going to go down a bit. I see people! Am I on Earth? Could this be a parallel universe? Where could Dani be? I shouldn’t have looked at that text message while I was driving. I shouldn’t…
That tower down there looks a lot like the water tank in my town… It’s identical. But the water tank in my town doesn’t have that huge tower block next to it. It all looks very similar to my neighborhood, but it isn’t exactly the same: there are a lot of tower blocks here. There’s the river… and the factory. It’s definitely my neighborhood, but it looks kind of different. I must be in a parallel universe…
It’s amazing that I can float. People don’t seem to notice my presence. Am I a ghost?
I have to get back home and see if Dani’s there. God, I hope he’s safe and sound. Gabriela must be out of her mind with the crash.
There’s my house! Home sweet home. And whose are those cars? The front of the house has been painted a different color… This is all so strange! There’s someone in the garden… Those trees I planted in the spring have really grown.
Is… is that… Dani? Yes, yes! It’s Dani. But he looks so different… He looks older, he looks… like a big boy! What’s important is that he’s OK. I need to hug him tight and tell him how much I love him. Can he see me if I’m a ghost? I'll go up to him slowly so I don’t scare him. I need to hold him tight.
He can’t see me, I won’t get any closer. He moved his head, I think he’s started to realize I’m here…
Wow I’m so hungry all of a sudden! I can’t stop! How are you doing, son?! It’s me! Your dad! My dear boy? I can’t stop! I'm too hungry! Ahhhh, so delicious! What a pleasure! Nooo Daniii! Nooooo!.... I’m your daaaad!...
“Mum, bring the insect repellent, the garden’s full of mosquitoes,” grunted Daniel as he wiped the blood from the palm of his hand on his trousers. Gabriela was just coming out. She did an about turn and went back into her house, and shouted “Darling, bring the insect repellent, it’s on the fireplace…”
Absolute cold and silence…

(1) This note is for those who have read EQUINOX—WHISPERS OF DESTINY. This story is a spin-off of the novel EQUINOX—WHISPERS OF DESTINY and revolves around Letus’s curious theories about the possibility of animal reincarnation "

Gonzalo Guma , Equinox Whispers of Destiny