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We Are Not Free QUOTES

54 " Whoa, whoa, Nakano,” someone says, hoisting me up. In an instant, I recognize the “All-American” patch on the sleeve—Frankie. “Are you okay?” Covered in mud, with tears running down my face, I know I’ve never looked worse, but at this moment, I couldn’t care less. I fling myself into Frankie’s arms as he sets me on my feet. “No, I’m not.” He pats my shoulder. “That Tanaka boy break your heart?” With a wail, I bury my face in Frankie’s shoulder. He sighs, and through the haze of my anguish, I feel his arms go around me. “Want me to hit him for you?” he asks. I let out a sound that’s supposed to be a laugh, but it comes out more like a hiccup. “Oh, Frankie.” Leaning back, I smack him lightly in the chest. “That wouldn’t do any good.” He smirks. “But thanks for offering.” As we stand in the ice and mud, the last notes of “Harbor Lights” drift over the empty street. My eyes well up again. “C’mon, Nakano, don’t cry.” Gently, Frankie takes my hand, swaying with me as the next song begins. “What happened?” “He was kissing Gail Johnson.” I hiccup again. “During our song!” “That keto girl?” He has the audacity to laugh—a big, bellowing laugh that would sound harsh if it didn’t have such warmth to it. “Shit, Nakano, you’re twice the girl she is. Dumb boy doesn’t know what he’s missing.” I sniff. In his arms, I feel the chill beginning to ease from my bones. “You really think so? "

Traci Chee , We Are Not Free