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The Acharnians QUOTES

Why, what has happened?
I was hurrying to bring your treaty of truce, but some old dotards
from Acharnae(1) got scent of the thing; they are veterans of Marathon,
tough as oak or maple, of which they are made for sure—rough and
ruthless. They all started a-crying: "Wretch! you are the bearer of
a treaty, and the enemy has only just cut our vines!" Meanwhile they
were gathering stones in their cloaks, so I fled and they ran after
me shouting.
f(1) The deme of Acharnae was largely inhabited by charcoal-burners,
who supplied the city with fuel.
Let 'em shout as much as they please! But HAVE you brought me
a treaty?
Most certainly, here are three samples to select from,(1) this one is
five years old; take it and taste.
f(1) He presents them in the form of wines contained in three separate
It does not please me; it smells of pitch and of the ships they are
fitting out.(1)
f(1) Meaning, preparations for war.
Here is another, ten years old; taste it.
It smells strongly of the delegates, who go around the towns
to chide the allies for their slowness.(1)
f(1) Meaning, securing allies for the continuance of the war.
This last is a truce of thirty years, both on sea and land.
Oh! by Bacchus! what a bouquet! It has the aroma of nectar and
ambrosia; this does not say to us, "Provision yourselves for three
days." But it lisps the gentle numbers, "Go whither you will."(1)
I accept it, ratify it, drink it at one draught and consign the
Acharnians to limbo. Freed from the war and its ills, I shall
keep the Dionysia(2) in the country.
f(1) When Athens sent forth an army, the soldiers were usually ordered
to assemble at some particular spot with provisions for three days.
f(2) These feasts were also called the Anthesteria or Lenaea; the Lenaem
was a temple to Bacchus, erected outside the city. They took place
during the month Anthesterion (February). "

Aristophanes , The Acharnians