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Croak (Croak, #1) QUOTES

61 " I don’t get it,” she said. “I mean, why teenagers? Why pick the most immature people on earth to handle such a huge responsibility?”

Driggs looked up at the stars, then back at Lex. “You know Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?”

Lex stared.

“The world of pure imagination?” he added.

“I’m familiar with the world of pure imagination,” Lex said dryly. “I’m just skeptical as to how manufacturing candy is in any way similar to reaping mortal souls.”

“You know how at the end, Willy Wonka gives Charlie the factory?” Driggs went on. “Do you remember the reason he chose a child?”

“Yeah, he said adults would want to do everything their own way, whereas a child—”

“Would learn all the secrets,” said Driggs, “and keep them secret.” He flicked a pebble off the roof. “I mean, now that you’ve seen what really goes on here, have you thought for even a second of ratting us out?”

“No, but—” The wordless anxiety that had been pumping through her veins ever since Uncle Mort touched that old woman came spilling out all at once. “I just find it disturbing that people—we ordinary, mortal, dumbass people—are in charge of all this. And we’ve covered it up for, what, millennia? You really expect me to believe that?”

“Just because it’s the biggest secret in the history of the world doesn’t make it any less true.”

Even Lex couldn’t think of a snarky answer to this.

“Did I just blow your mind?” Driggs asked. “I think I just blew your mind.” With that, he pulled out a handful of at least a dozen Oreos from his pocket and shoved three into his mouth "

Gina Damico , Croak (Croak, #1)

66 " After finding Corpp’s devoid of Juniors later that evening, it didn’t take Lex and Driggs long to guess that their crew had decided to hole up in the Crypt’s common room for the night. Together they headed down Dead End and made their way through a darkened, narrow tunnel, eventually emerging into a small green courtyard surrounded by a block of rooms. As they approached the largest one, a heated argument between Sofi and Ayjay wafted through the window.

“I’ve got ten hotels on the Conservatory. Seriously, you owe me, like, eighty gatrillion dollars.”

“Not until I get my triple-letter score for passing Go.”

“No way! You couldn’t remove the Charley Horse, remember?”

“So? I still found the Lead Pipe in Park Place!”

“Which you had to mortgage after Queen Frostine totally sank your battleship!”

Lex attempted to follow this conversation as she walked through the door, but she failed somewhere around the time Elysia almost toppled over on the Twister mat. “Jump in,” Elysia said from the floor, wobbling way too close to the jellyfish tank. “There are a couple of tokens left in the box.”

Driggs sat down on one of the many battered couches and dug through the box, removing a wrench, a top hat, a rook, a green gingerbread man, and a decapitated Rock’Em Sock’Em Robot. Lex looked at the game board on the table, a mangled conglomeration of Monopoly, Clue, Candy Land, Scrabble, and chess.

“What the crap?” she asked the room.

“Don’t touch the Candlestick or you’ll automatically lose,” Elysia warned from the mat, flicking the spinner with her free hand "

Gina Damico , Croak (Croak, #1)