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Damaged and the Outlaw (Damaged, #4) QUOTES

1 " The chick last night marked you,” he said, gesturing to my throat. “Might be a stalker. You’ll want to prepare to wake up with your balls removed.”
“Raven might cut off my balls, but not because she’s a stalker. More like she’s just in a bad mood or gassy.”
Tawny looked at me then shook her head. “Oh, Vaughn. You’re fucked.”
“Actually, I was and quite well. In fact, I think she bruised my hip bones.”
Laughing, Tawny cuddled against Judd. “When’s the wedding?”
Once Judd started laughing, I flipped them off and looked at my menu. “We’re fuck buddies. Nothing more.”
Judd nodded. “Makes sense. A man of your stupidity couldn’t handle a relationship. Best to keep your life simple.”
“She’s hot. That’s all I care about.”
“She is hot,” Tawny said, smiling easier now. “She could probably land a rich guy with those looks.”
“Did you just call me poor?”
“I only mean she could get someone better than a manwhore with commitment issues.”
“Fuck you,” I said and Judd looked ready to hit me. “I could commit if I wanted to. If I wasn’t expecting to die soon, I’d commit all over the fucking place.”
“You don’t even have a pet.”
“Who would take care of my pet when I died?”
“If it was a cat, we’d take it in.”
Judd frowned. “No more cats.”
“One more wouldn’t hurt. In fact, if we have a bunch of cats, people will stop asking when we’re having a kid.”
Judd’s frown disappeared. “Another cat wouldn’t be the end of the world.”
“Judd’s the one who can’t commit,” I muttered.
“He’s married and we have two cats. We’re plenty committed. You’re the one getting hickeys from a girl who likely will marry someone else in a few months.”
“Why a few months?”
“I don’t know. I just feel like she’ll be married in a few months. A rich guy.”
“Are you psychic now?”
“Yes, I’m going to open a shop and tell people their fortunes.”
Smiling, Judd kissed her forehead. “A businesswoman. That’s sexy.”
“Don’t even think about ditching me again so you two can fuck. You can hump each other later.”
“Oh, we will,” Tawny said, waving over the waitress. "

Bijou Hunter , Damaged and the Outlaw (Damaged, #4)

5 " This is nice. Two friends being friendly,” he said.
Rolling my eyes, I sipped my drink and ignored his cocky smile.
“How long has it been?” he asked, tapping my sandal with his boot. “The abstaining thing.”
Crossing my arms under my tits, I tightened them and pushed up the girls for him to admire. I always loved teasing boys.
“I bet you’ve banged a girl recently. Like I could probably smell her on you, if I got close enough,” I grumbled, remembering how he smelled like chocolate and I had a sweet tooth. “You’re likely crawling with germs.”
Instead of finding offense, Vaughn watched me in a weird way. His lids lowered as the corners of his mouth lifted. A sly look on his face, Vaughn ran his tongue along his top teeth.
“I have a system,” he said softly. “After I hook up with a random chick, I shower with a big bottle of Purell. One of those economy-sized ones.”
Even smiling, I kicked his foot away from mine. “I’m a bath person myself. Just fill up the tub with really hot water then toss in a cap of bleach plus a few bubbles and I’m set.”
“Gotta have bubbles,” he said in a deep low voice.
“What are you doing?”
Vaughn shook his head, yet his gaze held mine. “Just admiring your beautiful smile.”
Rolling my eyes again, I sighed. “Lame.”
“I know. I really do. I use that line a lot, but it’s true with you. That smile changes your face. Makes you less sex kitten and more angel.”
“I’m no angel.”
“What a relief. I don’t like good girls.”
“I didn’t say I was bad.”
Vaughn sucked at his lower lip and sized me up with those eyes. “You didn’t have to, kitten.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Sugar?” he said, grinning brighter now. “Your sister didn’t like my nickname for her either.”
“Why would you give my sister a nickname?”
“Don’t be jealous. I like giving girls nicknames. Even girls I don’t want to spend time inside.”
“I can’t believe those lines ever work.”
“They don’t. Girls are drawn to my looks, not my personality.”
Snorting, I begged myself to stop smiling. “And you’re proud of this fact?”
“I’m proud of very little, pumpkin.”
“Keep trying. "

Bijou Hunter , Damaged and the Outlaw (Damaged, #4)

8 " Taking my hand, she walked out of the room where we found Vaughn and Judd playing pool in the dining room. The guys were deep in silent competition, so we admired their hot bodies quietly. Our giggling finally drew their attention.
“Where are we eating?” Vaughn asked, hitting a ball.
“We should eat somewhere that preggos can’t enjoy,” I suggested and Tawny grinned. “I think they can’t eat deli meat, but I don’t want that crap.”
Tawny searched info on her phone then smiled. “Sushi is supposed to be iffy.”
“Barf,” Vaughn said and Judd grimaced.
“We should go to a fish place and share a little sushi to celebrate our powerful birth control.”
Judd smiled at this comment. “Poor Aaron.”
“Screw Aaron,” I grunted. “Lark’s the one carrying two babies.”
Vaughn and Judd looked at each other then burst out laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
“He hooks up with a chick whose birth control is defective and ends up with twins,” Vaughn said, walking to me. “Dumb fuck probably didn’t know what hit him.”
“He gets to spend his life with an amazing person. Fuck you for laughing at his good luck.”
“Don’t go big sis on me, daffodil. One day, I’m knocking you up with twins too. No harm in making double the hot kids.”
“I’m still mad.”
“Wanna make a baby right now?” he whispered in my ear.
“Sushi first.”
“We’ll see.”
Thirty minutes later, Vaughn proved me wrong. He hated sushi and nearly threw up after trying a bite. Watching him freak-out nearly killed me. I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe. Tawny was also in hysterics. Like any good friend would, Judd took a picture of a gagging Vaughn with his phone.
“Sent it to the crew. You’re welcome.”
“Jackass,” Vaughn said, wiping his tongue with a napkin.
Calming my laughter, I stroked his ponytail. “Poor baby. I’ll make it up to you later.”
Vaughn’s horrified expression immediately shifted into a smirk. “Yeah, you will. "

Bijou Hunter , Damaged and the Outlaw (Damaged, #4)

9 " Suddenly, he looked up at me and demanded, “Say my name.”
My pride wouldn’t allow me to submit, so I mumbled, “What was it again? Vinnie? Vance? Something with a V, right?”
His response was to pop the button on my shorts and tug them down to my ankles. I kicked them off along with my sandals then struggled to act unimpressed. Vaughn grinned in a way that made me a little nervous about what happened next. He likely sensed my fear because his grin widened.
A kneeling Vaughn licked his lips then focused on the part of my body wanting him more than any other. “You’ll remember my name soon enough,” he promised, lifting my leg and resting it over his shoulder.
Even though I wanted desperately to reply in a smartass way, his hot breath on my pussy made words a memory. The first lick sent me into a near brain-dead stupor. When he sucked at my clit, I would have toppled over if he didn’t hold me still.
While unable to speak, I still made noises I would laugh about the next day. At the mercy of Vaughn’s hungry lips, I was in a state of heat like I’d never known before.
I came quickly, yet Vaughn didn’t relent. Sucking steadily, he sent me over the edge again, stealing my ability to stand. By the time he stood in an easy movement and lifted me onto his hips, I was his slave.
“Say it,” he whispered in my ear while kicking off his jeans.
“Vaughn Fucking Majors.”
A smirking Vaughn wrapped me into his arms and thrust hard inside my body. Resting my forehead against his shoulder, I tightened my legs around his hips and held on as he fucked me so hard I begged him to never leave. No man should have such power over me, yet there we were. "

Bijou Hunter , Damaged and the Outlaw (Damaged, #4)

12 " I worry about you too,” I said softly as I caressed her head resting against my chest. “You look tired.”
Lark didn’t speak for a minute. When she finally looked at me, I saw a lot of different emotions swirling in those bright green eyes. “I feel like shit. I’m tired and dizzy. I can’t eat ninety percent of the food I used to eat. I feel awful, but I’m afraid to complain.”
“Maddy just had her baby and she was so tough about the whole thing. I’m surprised she didn’t give birth in the middle of the grocery store then go back to picking up things for dinner. Next to her, I’m a weakling. Also, Farah is going to be all brave and awesome too. I don’t want to be the whiner.”
“First of all, Maddy’s got that natural breeder look about her. Some chicks are like that and you can’t let the exception be your rule. Besides, you’re having twins. You have more baby cooking to do than she did, so screw comparisons.”
“I just don’t want people to think less of me.”
“By people, do you mean Aaron?”
“We barely met and got married and now I’m getting fat and I’m tired all the time. I don’t want him to lose interest.”
“Oh, Lark, you’re so fucking stupid sometimes.”
“Yeah, I know,” she said, grinning. “We have that in common.”
“So true.”
“Mom said that I’m like her and she had a guy like Aaron and she suffocated him and he ditched her. I know Mom sucks, but what if she’s right and I wear down Aaron and he stops loving me?”
“Any man who would want Mom must be shit. Aaron isn’t shit.”
“I know, but I get scared of messing up everything I have.”
Kissing her forehead, I stood up and walked to the bedroom door. “Hey, Mister Clean, get over here.”
Laughing, Lark followed me into the hallway where Aaron appeared, clearly loving his new nickname.
“Listen up, Yul Brynner,” I said, sending Lark into giggles. “My sister is cooking up two kids that you stuck inside her. She needs more damn love than you’re giving. If you don’t do a better job of babying her, I’m going to have to replace you. Hmm, I just saw this guy Jake that I knew from high school. He’s ripped and works at the gym. The gym, Aaron.”
My brother-in-law stared unaffected until I finished then he gazed down at his wife. Lark must have known what was coming because she started giggling.
“My sweet muse,” he murmured and she laughed harder, “do you need more love than I’m giving?”
Aaron swept Lark into his arms and cradled her like a kid. “Poor thing. I’ll just need to pay more attention.”
As he kissed all over her, Lark stopped giggling and began moaning affirmations.
“Good thing you obeyed because I think Jake might be gay.”
After giving me a wink, Aaron gestured for me to go away. I was the one to obey this time. Leaving them to cuddle and more in the bedroom, I watched television and finished the popcorn. Professor joined me, but Pollack was wary. I think it was because I was always barking at her. In my defense, she started it. "

Bijou Hunter , Damaged and the Outlaw (Damaged, #4)