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Old Poison (Dangerous Ground, #2) QUOTES

2 " So, tomorrow night. My house or yours?"
"Mine. I...want to show you something."
"Oh yes?” Will said hopefully, suggestively.
There was a smile in Taylor's voice, but he sounded absent. “Will?"
"Right here."
There was a pause. “When I was shot—"
Will's heart quickened; he wasn't even sure why. “Yeah?"
"It wasn't because of you...turning me down. It wasn't because my mind wasn't on the job."
"No. I know—at least, I think I do—that you thought you were somehow to blame for me getting nailed. It wasn't anything to do with you.” He heard Taylor sigh. “It was when I saw how young they were. Kids. And I hesitated. I hesitated a couple of seconds too long. That's all."
Something inside Will relaxed, like the clutch of a child's hand on a balloon. The balloon went sailing free and happy.
He couldn't even explain why he felt so happy. “You think I'm with you out of guilt?"
"No, you ass. Of course not. I just mean—"
"You're a nut, MacAllister. I'm with you because I love you."
There it was, out. Three little words. Three of the most common words in the world, but string them together and they were more powerful than any warrant, any extradition papers, or even treaty. Stronger than any magical spell. Had he really never said them aloud to Taylor? Something in the ringing silence that followed made him think he maybe hadn't.
It was a relief when Taylor said, at last, in that irritable voice that always signified nerves or great emotion, “That's fine. I just thought you should know."
"I love you,” Will repeated firmly, having got the hang of it. “I'll see you tomorrow night, you lunatic."
"Love you,” Taylor said tersely and hung up.
Taylor stared at the receiver in its cradle and then got ready for bed. "

Josh Lanyon , Old Poison (Dangerous Ground, #2)