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Light from Uncommon Stars QUOTES

2 " As a civilization progresses, it goes through wars, pandemics, catastrophes. those that survive grow more astute, more perceptive, more advanced. Diseases are conquered, infirmity eliminated. Life spans increase. Suffering becomes largely a memory.
"Meanwhile, their explorers and historians find evidence of past cultures, and cultures before that. At first it is exciting. But all they keep finding are ruins. And slowly, either through science or history, every advanced civilizations becomes aware of a disturbing possibility -- that their futures may end in ruin too.
"The civilization then rushes to probe other stars, even other galaxies; it increases its research, attempting to manipulate space, time, in the hope that somewhere, someone might have found an escape, a loophole.
"But eventually, the find, and solve, the mathematical equation that explains the entire universe."
"I think our scientists are working on something like that too," Shizuka said.
Lan shook her head. "They'll need to find the Grand Unified Theory a few more times before they can even begin to understand what 'everything' is -- sorry, I didn't mean to offend your civilization."
Shizuka shrugged. "No offense taken."
"Still, should your civilization survive, it will eventually find the same equation. And that will be your death sentence. For in that equation, there will be no forever, no eternity. Nothing.
"And this collapse, and all its attendant despair, is the Endplague."
Shizuka was puzzled.
Space aliens, she could understand. Purple skin? Cute. Two elbows? Weird, but fine. Galactic warfare? Frankly, expected. Being a refugee? Of course.
But how could the mere concept of mortality be enough to topple advanced civilizations? People live, people die, and so what? "

Ryka Aoki , Light from Uncommon Stars