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5 " He conjured a spotlight, which travelled down along the balcony, and rested on her face.
‘Your hair,’ he said. ‘All of the lights land in it.’
(All of the lights land in it: an excellent line. While I try to deny it, there were times – when I was younger – when this would have impressed me, too.)
‘Is this how you usually spend your Saturday nights?’ Mother asked.
‘No. Sometimes. I like the technology, you see. And I like to help out.’
Mother leaned against the railing alongside him. She let her hair fall against his arm.
‘I’ve never had company before,’ Father said, and smiled. ‘This makes things much more interesting.’
‘I’m not that interesting at all,’ Mother said. ‘I mean, I’m pretty boring. Actually.’
‘I don’t believe you. What’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you?’
‘Tell me the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Nobody’s boring when they tell you the best thing that’s ever happened. Go.’
Mother thought of her princess dress, and the faces of the villagers watching the Harvest Festival. In her mind, they multiplied, so that she led the parade through a crowd of hundreds – thousands – of well-wishers.
‘Fine,’ she said. She knew exactly how she would tell it.
‘See,’ Father said, at the end. ‘That wasn’t boring. But it wasn’t the best thing that ever happened to you, either.’
‘It wasn’t?’
‘Of course not,’ Father said. He concentrated on the fuse box, passing it from one great palm to the other. He was smiling, close to laughter. ‘That’s tonight. "

Abigail Dean , Girl A