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Feral Sins (The Phoenix Pack, #1) QUOTES

105 " Wouldn’t you like to see what I bought for you? Aren’t you just a little curious?” He was, but he couldn’t let her know that. She’d pounce on that weakness and use it against him. “How about we make a deal,” she proposed as they neared his office, which she knew he had every intention of locking himself in. “No deals, Taryn.” “That’s a shame,” she said as she slid down his back, exhaling a heavy sigh. “It means I went to Victoria’s Secret for nothing.” She watched in satisfaction as he stopped still with his hand on the doorknob. “Victoria’s Secret?” he repeated without turning. “Yeah, but never mind.” She went to return to the kitchen, but then he spoke. “Out of curiosity…” She twirled to see that he was still facing the office door. “Well, I bought this kinky little baby-doll, all black lace like the one I tried on that time when I was tormenting you.” He cleared his throat. “Black lace?” “Yeah.” She took a few steps toward the kitchen, knowing what was coming next. “What was this deal you had in mind?” he called after her as he finally turned. He was well aware that she had played him, but only an idiot would miss out on this. She faced him and shrugged. “I was just going to propose that if you try to enjoy yourself and celebrate your birthday with us, then later—for one whole hour—I’ll let you do whatever you want to me. I’ll be kind of like your sex toy.” His cock jerked and quickly began to harden. “Anything I want? "

Suzanne Wright , Feral Sins (The Phoenix Pack, #1)

118 " Well, shit. He bowed his head and squeezed his eyes shut as it dawned on him. She had been grieving her mom today, had been probably screaming inside as the agony tormented her, but instead of coming to him—her mate—for any kind of comfort or even to just confide in him or cry on his shoulder, she had retreated within herself. Because she hadn’t felt like she could come to him, had probably thought that he wouldn’t want her to. Then when he, like a bastard, refused to give her the space she needed, she had finally sought comfort. The fact that the only place she thought she could find it was a shoe box filled with memories of her dead true mate was like a blow to Trey’s gut. A blow he deserved. Guilt knifed through him as he thought about how much of a prick he had been to Taryn. Dante was right. Although this mating was temporary, that didn’t mean that Trey should be able to just cast her aside. She had become his responsibility the second he claimed her, but all he’d done was try to escape that responsibility when he got a little spooked by his wolf and some primal instincts. He had frozen her out, just as she had done to him today. The feelings of rejection, anger, and desolation he had experienced earlier were things that she had obviously been suffering with all this time. In total silence. Shit, she hadn’t deserved that, hadn’t deserved his cold shoulder, especially when she was being so loyal to their deal. It was a wonder that she hadn’t left—it wasn’t as if she couldn’t have sneaked off. It was clear by the way she had led them on a merry chase and covered her tracks so well that she had the ability at least to try to make a run for it. It wasn’t as though fear of him kept her here. She hadn’t once expressed any fear of him, not even when his wolf had gone feral. Although Roscoe was dead and she didn’t need Trey anymore, she had stayed to fulfill her end of the deal. Even though he’d been a total ass. Even though his grandmother constantly strove to make her feel unwelcome. Even though it meant having to lie to her friends and repeatedly claim that her true mate had been nothing but a good friend. One thing was for sure—she was a better person than he would ever be. She was someone who any male would be proud to have as his mate, temporary or not. "

Suzanne Wright , Feral Sins (The Phoenix Pack, #1)