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Yours to Keep (Kowalski Family, #3) QUOTES

83 " Saturday rolled around and Emma knew she was in trouble when a slightly taller and older version of Sean spotted her across the Kowalskis’ big backyard.
He grinned and started toward her. “Emma!”
When he picked her up off her feet—which was no easy feat considering how tall she was—and spun her around, she clutched his shoulders. “Mitch…hi.”
Thank goodness only one of his brothers could come. Not only because there were fewer people to keep track of, but because there was a much better chance this actually was Mitch.
“Laying it on a little thick?” she heard Sean mutter.
“Can’t help it,” Mitch said, setting her back on her feet. “My future sister-in-law’s quite the looker, you lucky bastard.”
Sean made a snorting sound, but she couldn’t tell if it was directed at the fact he’d called her his future sister-in-law, that she was a looker or that he was a lucky bastard, so she ignored him.
She’d noticed right off Mitch was a little taller and older than Sean, but his eyes were a little darker shade of blue and his hair was longer and scruffier. And he was leaner, too, though still pretty well built.
She jumped when Sean slid his arm around her waist and put his face close to hers. “Stop ogling my brother.”
“He’s taller than you.”
“Older, too.”
“Maybe, but what’s a few years?” When he made a growling sound, she laughed and elbowed him in the side. “You’re not jealous, are you?”
“Of Mitch? Please. "

Shannon Stacey , Yours to Keep (Kowalski Family, #3)