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The Golden Braid (Hagenheim, #6) QUOTES

8 " Sir Gerek handed her a gray wool blanket, then lay down next to the fire.
"Don't you have a blanket?"
"I forgot to get one when we were at the castle, but I don't need one. It's warm enough now."
"The nights are still quite cool. Here you take the blanket and I will put on the rest of my clothes. It's the perfect solution."
"No, thank you. I don't need it."
She let out an exasperated sigh...
...Sir Gerek was laying down near the fire, his eyes closed. Rapunzel moved as quietly as she could toward his still form, then carefully laid the the blanket over him.
She lay down with her head near his and closed her eyes.
Her eyes popped open. Something was touching her legs and was gradually being laid over the rest of her body. She suspected it was the gray woolen blanket she had laid on Sir Gerek. When he finished, he walked back over to where he had been sleeping and lay down again.

Gerek awoke with the blanket laying over him. How had she managed to cover him without him waking up? He sat up. She lay asleep on her side, her thick braid touching her cheek. The sun was casting a soft glow over her and making her look even more otherworldly.
He found himself smiling as he draped the blanket over her while she slept.
When she awoke, he already had Donner saddled and breakfast ready.
"When did you do this?" She held out the blanket. With the scolding half frown and lowered her brows, she took his breath away...
... He shrugged. "You looked cold."
She eyed him, shook her head, then folded up the blanket. "

Melanie Dickerson , The Golden Braid (Hagenheim, #6)