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Twisted (Tangled, #2) QUOTES

27 " I pull back and tell him, “You’re amazing.”

He gives me a soft smirk. “That is the general consensus.”

I smile. “And I love you.”

He sets my feet on the floor but keeps his arms around my waist. “Good. Then you’re going to let me put three locks on the door of whatever apartment you decide to move into. And a chain. And a dead bolt.”

I smile wider. “Okay.”

Drew slowly steps forward, backing me up toward the bed.

“And you’re not going to bitch when I have a security system installed.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

We take another step together, almost like we’re dancing.

“I’m thinking about buying you one of those ‘I’ve fallen and I can’t get up’ necklaces too.”

My eyes squint as I pretend to think about the idea. “We’ll talk about it.”

“And . . . you’re going to let me walk you home from work every night.”


The back of my legs make contact with the bed frame.

“I’m also going to come to every doctor’s appointment with you.”

“I didn’t for a second imagine you wouldn’t.”

Drew cups my face in his hands. “And one day, I’m going to ask you to marry me. And you’re going to know it’s not because you’re pregnant, or because of some misguided attempt to keep you.”

Tears spring into my eyes as we gaze at each other.

In a rough voice, he continues, “You’re going to know I’m asking because nothing would make me prouder than to be able to say, ‘This is my wife, Kate.’ And when I do ask, you’re going to say yes.”

When I nod, one tear trails down my cheek. Drew wipes it away with his thumb as I promise, “It’s a sure thing.”

And then he’s kissing me, with all the passion and desire he’s held in check the last two days. Drew cradles my head as we fall on the bed together. "

Emma Chase , Twisted (Tangled, #2)