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Awry (The Archers of Avalon, #2) QUOTES

30 " The intruder shifted his weight and pulled the knife back, aiming at Gabriel’s chest. The moonlight glinted off the sharp blade and Gabriel found himself backed up against a wall.

There was no escape. Gabriel was going to have to bear the pain of a knife through his chest. He could do it. He would wait until the knife entered his flesh and then he’d snap the Ashman’s neck in half.

Yeah. That was a good plan.

Just as the knife came toward Gabriel, the Ashman grunted and pulled back, taking a few wobbly steps before falling to the floor.

Nate stood to the side, his hands on a large sword jutting from the Ashman’s back. He yanked out the sword, leaving the stranger’s body limp.

Nate stepped toward the Ashman’s body, looking him over timidly.

Without warning, the intruder rolled over and pulled himself up off the floor. Nate jumped back, lifted the sword in defense, and made a loud noise that sounded something like, “Arrrhh!”

Still clutching the bloody knife, the Ashman looked back and forth between Nate and Gabriel. Seeing he was outnumbered, he turned and ran back through the destruction of the living room.Jumping out of the gaping hole from the missing living room window, the Ashman disappeared into the storm

A moment passed as Gabriel and Nate stared after their attacker, both of them out of breath.

Still badly bleeding, Gabriel turned to Nate and looked at the weapon he held. The sword was oversized, extra shiny and had a very ornate handle. “I don’t remember ever seeing that sword in our arsenal before.”

Hunched over and trying to catch his breath, Nate said, “That’s because it’s from my arsenal.”

“So, you just had that,” Gabriel nodded at the weapon, “laying around?”

Nate righted himself and shrugged. “I’m a Zelda fan.”

“Ah.” Gabriel nodded. “And the noise you just made?”

“That was my battle cry.”

“Really?” Gabriel winced as he took a step forward. “It sounded more like the cry of a wounded animal. A cat, maybe. Or a small monkey.”

“Shut up.” Nate looked at Gabriel’s bleeding torso. “Are you okay? "

Chelsea Fine , Awry (The Archers of Avalon, #2)

33 " Making brief eye contact with Tristan, Gabriel casually marched around the gazebo and yanked the Ashman back further into the shadowy cover of the dark trees. The Ashman struggled, but Tristan came up beside Gabriel and caught the Ashman’s hands behind his back.

Another Ashman appeared in the darkness beyond Tristan.

“Watch your back,” Gabriel said, and Tristan whipped around.

In one fluid movement, Tristan pulled a dagger from his coat—because, apparently, Tristan carted bloody weapons around in his coat—and cut through the Ashman’s skull with forceful movement.

Without missing a beat, Tristan turned back around and helped Gabriel pin the Ashman that was struggling beneath Gabriel’s grasp.Gabriel punched the Ashman in the face, giving Tristan an opportunity to restrain the Ashman’s hands behind his back.

Gabriel pulled Scarlet’s butcher knife from his coat—okay, so maybe they both carted weapons around in their jackets—and with silent movement, he thrust the blade directly into the Ashman’s heart and twisted.

Stiffness, cracking, crumbling…then ash.

Murder accomplished.

Gabriel tucked the blade back into his coat and dusted off his hands as he looked at the two piles of ash on the forest floor. “See how simple that was?” He looked at Tristan. “You hold him down, I stab him, end of threat. With Nate it’s all weird battle cries and plastic hammers.” Gabriel shook his head. “Fighting with you is much less dramatic.”

“Yeah, well.” Tristan stretched his neck. “We make a good killing team.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes as they headed out of the trees and back to the fair. “What is with everyone wanting to be on teams? "

Chelsea Fine , Awry (The Archers of Avalon, #2)