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The Smoke Thief (Drakon, #1) QUOTES

15 " Sun's down," muttered one of the guardsmen by the windows.
"Then it's time." Grady made to push away from the table, and the rest began to follow.
"No," said Kit.
Grady paused with his palm pressed flat against the tabletop; all the other men froze. "What?"
"No," Kit said once more, very polite. "Be seated. All of you."
"Why are we wasting-"
"Be seated."
Even his old nemesis knew to obey that tone. It sliced across the room slick as steel, resounding into silence. The guard at the window let fall the drapery, a soft stir of cloth that barely touched the air.
He could almost feel his father's ghost, watching, waiting.
Christoff remained silent until they were done, until the last of them had sunk into nervous attention, staring at him through the gloom.
"I claim her," he said. "I will hunt her alone."
Grady twitched. "But-"
"I claim her," he repeated, silkier and more deadly than before. "She is mine. And if you have issue with that-any of you-I invite you to tell me now. We'll settle it here. I will not abide insubordination."
Reckless, red-faced, Grady shot back to his feet. Kit was on his own in half a heartbeat, his arm slashing out, a streak of metal flashing across the table.
The stiletto struck deep into the wall mere inches behind the other man's head, the hilt of carnelian and worked gold an ominous blur against the silk.
Silently, weightlessly, the outermost curl of Parrish Grady's wig drifted down to the dining table, settling feather-light against the dark wood.
No one else moved; no one spoke.
"I beg your pardon," said Kit cordially into the hush. "Was there something you wished to say?"
Grady looked down at the severed lock, then back up at Kit. His throat worked, though no sound came out. Slowly, in awkward motion, he resumed his seat.
"Excellent." Christoff sent a cold smile around the room. "Anyone else?"

-a guardsmen, Grady, & Kit "

Shana Abe , The Smoke Thief (Drakon, #1)

18 " He straightened. "Are you ready?"
He nodded, his gaze traveling the length of her body, deliberately, slowly, as if to memorize her as she stood.
"Then may I have a kiss?" he asked, unmoving. "For luck?"
She felt her heart pick up. She felt her face grow hot.
"You see? I'm asking, not demanding." He lifted his hands to her, palms up.
"Even the most beastly of us can learn."
Rue dropped her gaze to the ground, discomfited. "I don't think you're beastly."
"Thank goodness. I was about to point out that that fellow down there has far worse breath than I do."
She laughed softly, shaking her head, but by then his fingers were curling around hers.
"Is that a yes, mouse?"
She inhaled: heat, and animal. Him.
Rue lifted her chin. "Yes."
Everything happened so gently at first, so languidly, as his hands drew hers behind his back so that she had to step toward him, so that their fronts had to touch. As soon as they did his fingers released; he smoothed his palms up her back, one hand at her waist and the other rising to cradle her head. She felt her hair bunch and slide with the passage of his fingers. She felt the cool air on her skin, and the welcome warmth of his chest and stomach and hips. His eyes roamed her face with that half-lidded intensity; she brought up a hand to the slope of his shoulder, resting it there. They stood there together in the open dark, soft and hard, while her stomach tied in knots and her hair stirred with the breeze.
She wet her lips, nervous. "Are...are you going to do it?"
"I am." His head tilted to hers. She felt his lips against her cheek, light, thistledown, barely there. "I just..."
"What?" she whispered, staring out into the shadows.
"I just like looking at you."
So when he kissed her she was smiling a little, her lips curved under his. Kit loved that curve.

-Kit & Rue "

Shana Abe , The Smoke Thief (Drakon, #1)