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Dark Wolf (Dark, #22) QUOTES

20 " I have always been secretly amused that others continually underestimated you, my love, he confessed, but I have found these last few nights have taught me that even I underestimate you and your strength.
For the first time, he felt the familiar stirring in his mind, that beloved touch that signaled the love of his life had ever so gently merged with him. How she found the strength when there was so little blood left in her body, he didn’t know.
His body came to life. His heart. His soul. That gentle touch, the brush of her voice across the scars in his mind held so much love he ached inside. She set up cravings with her soft gentle ways. Hunger. She found a well of tenderness in him that had been buried and forgotten for centuries.
You scared me, he admitted. You can never do this again.
She didn’t reply in words, the effort to talk even telepathically was too much in her weakened state, but she stroked a caress over the sorrow and fear he’d been holding inside.
You must reenter your body, Skyler. It will be uncomfortable and there will be pain again, but not like we experienced before. He instilled absolute confidence in his voice, and kept it uppermost in his mind, although deep inside he was afraid she might balk.
There was a flutter against the walls of his mind, as gentle as the gossamer wings of a butterfly. You?
Every step of the way. I will hold you. You’ll never be alone, not in that dark cold world or the one above where we face war and persecution.

Christine Feehan , Dark Wolf (Dark, #22)