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The Bodyguards' Princess QUOTES

1 " All relationships need work and ours will need an extra dose of patience and honesty." Sighing, she rolled her eyes. "God knows, you two are drama queens."

"Hey!" He laughed and slid his hands beneath the silk of her nightgown. "That's not a nice thing to call a man who was about to eat you like a peach."

Biting her lower lip, she slung a leg over his muscled hip. "I take it back."

Giving her a narrow-eyed glance, he kissed his way down her chest, hands stroking over her legs. "Not good enough."

Settling back into the pillows, she ran her hands through his thick hair. "I take it back times two." Warm hands slid up her sides, pulling the nightgown around her waist.

His breath blew across her belly button, making her giggle. "Lame apology."

The feeling of his scruffy cheek rubbing against the soft skin of her hip made her squirm. His words, his vulnerability, struck a chord in her and her heart filled with love for him. "You are the wind beneath my wings."

"Quoting Bette Midler is not going to get you out of this." Warm and comfortable, she enjoyed the leisurely pace of his movements. A soft brush of lips over the top of her mound, firm licks on the sensitive skin of her hipbone. Stretching her arms above her, she sighed at his appreciative rumble. There was so much gentleness in his touch, such an effort to please her in the movements of his mouth. He was completely beneath the blankets now and his hair brushed her inner thighs.

"Oh," she squeaked out and gripped the sheets. "

Ann Mayburn , The Bodyguards' Princess