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We Own Tonight (Second Time Around, #1) QUOTES

10 " What was in New York?”

“I had to sign a new contract. A Thin Blue Line was renewed for another season.”

“Oh, that’s awesome!” I heard rumblings on a few of the news outlets that the show might get dropped. “I really hope you’re finally able to get a new partner. I don’t know why they keep pushing that story line. Tina is not a good match for Jimmy. Brody and I have been riding together for almost seven years, and I would punch myself in the face before I ever kissed him. The show needs to give Jimmy a woman who he saved or something. That would be an interesting plot. Also, your brother on the show has to stop sleeping with that model. Twitter went nuts when he went back to her. She’s a bitch.”

Eli’s gaze shifts to mine, and he chuckles. “I thought you didn’t watch the show.”

Crap. I did say that. I chew on my thumb and shrug. “I guess I’ve seen a few seasons.” I say the last word under my breath, hoping he didn’t catch it.


No such luck.

“Whatever. It’s just to see how bad you butcher my job.”

Eli shakes his head and grabs my hand. His fingers thread with mine and then he gently squeezes. “Sounds like you’re a little more invested than that.”

“Fine,” I admit. “I watch it religiously."

He brings my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles. “I knew you liked me.”

I laugh and hit his chest with our entwined hands. “You’re crazy. I like your show, but seriously, tell the writers they need to clear that up. "

Corinne Michaels , We Own Tonight (Second Time Around, #1)

13 "  I walk away, feeling Brody’s gaze on me. There’s no doubt that as soon as we get back in the car, I’m going to get it—good.

Instead, Brody stays quiet while I assemble the paperwork. He may not be speaking, but he’s saying a whole lot in the silence.

“Just say it,” I mumble and finally look over.

“I’m not saying a word.” He raises his hands. “Clearly, you two know each other, and it ain’t from growing up here. You tell me everything, so there is no way you wouldn’t have told me you know him,” Brody pauses and leans back. “I’m not saying a word about who you may or may not have slept with recently. Even though, it’s pretty obvious.”

“You know, you not saying a word took you a long time.”

“It’s not like you’ve had a five-year drought since your divorce. Or that you slept with a singer/actor. Nope. I have nothing to say about that. Not a thing.”

I groan. “Could you not say anything for real this time?”

“Sure thing, boss. I’ll just be over here, watching Hell start to thaw.”

This is not going to get any better. I’d almost rather hear the questions. This is Brody Webber. My partner, my friend, and the one person who I have enough dirt on to make his life hell if he repeats this.

“Okay, fine. Yes, I slept with Eli Walsh. I was crazy and dumb. I also had about six beers, which is two over my threshold, and I was trying to be in the moment for once. Fucking Nicole and her pep talks.”

Brody coughs a laugh and then recovers. “Sorry, go on.”

“I swear, you better keep this to yourself. If you tell anyone . . .” I give him my best threatening face. “I mean anyone, I’ll make your life a living nightmare.”

He shakes his head and laughs again. “I won’t say a word, but you had a one-night stand with one of the most famous men in the boy band atmosphere. You’re too cool for me, Heather. I don’t think we can be friends. I’m sure you and the band will be happy without me.”

I huff and grab the papers. “I’m getting a new partner.”

I walk back over to the car, praying this will be painless "

Corinne Michaels , We Own Tonight (Second Time Around, #1)

18 " The doorbell rings again, and I thank God for small miracles. "Hold again," I say as I hold against my shoulder.
I walk over, smiling because I know that Nicole must be going out of her mind. "Did you for--"
"Hello, Officer Covey." Eli grins as he leans against the doorframe. "I was hoping you were home. We didn't get a chance to finish our conversation."
Not even thinking, I close the door and stand there. Holy shit. What the hell?
"Heather?" Nicole's voice is a buzzing in my ear. Or is that my suddenly frantic pulse?
"Hmm?" I can't speak. Eli Walsh is at my freaking house.
"Is that whole I think it is?"
I rise onto my tiptoes and peek out the peephole. Sure enough, he's right there, smiling as if he has not a care in the world. "Yup."
"Are you fucking kidding?" Nicole screams.
"Holy shit, Nic. What the hell do I do?" My heart continues to race, and I'm completely freaking out.
Nicole chuckles and then proceeds to yell again. "Open the goddamn door!"
I look in the mirror and groan. I have on shorts and an oversized sweatshirt, which now has a beautiful pizza stain on the front. My hair is in a messy bun, I'm not wearing any makeup, and I have my glasses on instead of my contacts. I can't believe this.
Eli knocks again. "Heather, I can hear you on the other side."
My hand presses against the wood and I close my eyes, "What do you want, Eli?"
"Heather! Open the fucking door right now!" Nicole's voice raises in my ear.
"Shut up!" I yell at my jackass best friend.
"I didn't say anything," Eli answers. "

Corinne Michaels , We Own Tonight (Second Time Around, #1)

19 " I don't respond. Instead, I chuck my shoes over the fence and start to climb.
When I was twelve, I could climb fences pretty quick. Especially growing up in Tampa where we would hop fences to get to each other's yards. But I'm not even halfway up and i'm winded, my foot has slipped more than once, and I can only imagine what I look like from below.
"Shit!" I yell as my toe misses the next opening. Nicole's laughter fills the air. "Stop laughing and start climbing!"
"This is priceless," she laughs harder. "Wait. Let me get my camera!"
"Nicole! We need to get out of here in case he comes looking for me."
"Fine. Fine. Chicken shit." Her shoes fly over my head, and the entire fence shakes. "You owe me."
"Stop moving!" I try not to laugh, but it's futile. This is hysterical. "I'm going to pee," tears fall from my eyes as I hold on.
"I need a Go-Pro for the next time we go out."
"I hate you," I say between giggles.
She purposely rocks back, causing me to almost fall. "You only wish you did."
"If I fall..." I warn as I sway and try to climb higher.
"It'll be what you deserve for making me climb a freaking fence at one in the morning!"
The amount of ways that I'm going to pay for this is unimaginable. My co-workers saw me being sung to on stage, I'm sure one of the guys from my squad caught me going backstage, I'm going to have scrapes from climbing a fence, and Nicole will never let me live this down.
I reach the top, one leg swung over on one side and one still in Eli-land. And that's when I hear him. "You're just going to run out?" Eli's voice is filled with disbelief. "Just like that? "

Corinne Michaels , We Own Tonight (Second Time Around, #1)