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The Highlander (Victorian Rebels, #3) QUOTES

20 " Suddenly her hands were pinned above her head, and he was filling her mouth with his tongue. She tasted the salt of her skin on his lips and the pervasive ache between her legs became a flooding, insistent sort of pain. He kissed her with such scorching thoroughness, he quite erased the last vestiges of rational thought. “Now,” she sobbed against his mouth, too distressed to feel shame at the pleading note in her voice. His dark noise was full of masculine victory as he continued his seductive assault on her lips, caressing down the soft curve of her hip, then slid lower, gathering the folds of her skirts in his hand, tugging them up her leg. Mena’s fingers blindly gripped the stone behind her as frantically as she grasped for her sanity. Then he dropped to his knees. “What are you doing?” she gasped, reaching for him, meaning to pull him back against her. “Doona touch me, lass,” he commanded, sliding his hands up beneath her dress, his calluses rasping against the silk of her stockings with a delightfully wicked sensation. “I’ll not be able to stop myself from taking ye.” Her brows drew together in bemused consternation. “But I told you that you could take me.” She was almost panting now, as though she’d run a great length. “Aye.” He chuckled, his clever fingers stopping to toy with a garter, effectively rendering her witless. “I give before I take, lass. It’ll always be thus. "

Kerrigan Byrne , The Highlander (Victorian Rebels, #3)