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Landscape Painted with Tea QUOTES

5 " You know the story about the writer and the pauper? A writer is a writer, and he will not spoil only what he has not written. Well, one day the writer meets a pauper who is all alone in the world; he's in the street, blowing into his hands, with no place to go. The writer offers him a place in one of his stories. He offers to let him live there, at least temporarily, because, he says, he's got a large room and plenty of food in his story; he says: Of course, it's snowing there now and it's cold, but there's a stove and wood, you can warm yourself, he says, to your heart's content. The writer says his piece, his glasses trembling with emotion. The pauper says nothing, his beard merely glowing. It is red and ablaze; he could light a pipe on it. With no place to go or nothing to do, the pauper jumps at even this: to a poor man, he says, even lunch in a dream is a godsend. And so he moves. On his first day in the story all he does is sleep. On the second day all he does is eat, and on the third day he starts calling on the other tenants, the heroes of the story. They see that he doesn't quite belong there, but he hangs around as if he were the main character. On the fourth day he begins asking for loans of money; otherwise, he says, he'll ruin the whole train of events. And they begin to give him a penny here, two there, just to get the wretch off their backs. He doesn't return the money, and on the fifth day he starts pestering and blackmailing the women in the story. His evil eye on them, he paws and ogles them with a gaze that ferments like potatoes. And bit by bit he becomes emboldened. On the sixth day he makes babies, and on the seventh, as soon as he sees that he has grown rich in the story, he immediately moves out, drops in the right places a few words about the heroine, quickly prospers, becomes mayor, bans the story, accuses the writer of having dreamed such-and-such gad dream (recorded in the report), and takes him to court. "

Milorad Pavić , Landscape Painted with Tea