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Who are You, Calvin Bledsoe? QUOTES

18 " So why are you here then?” I asked Caroline, and I felt as I had earlier, right before I’d asked Aunt Beatrice if she was my mother. It was the feeling you get when you ask a question and are afraid the answer you’re going to get is not the answer you want. “I want you to run away with me,” Caroline said, then laughed at herself for saying, or wanting, something so ridiculous. “I mean it,” she added, and I believed that she did. Anyway, that was the answer I wanted! I’d finally gotten the answer I’d wanted! And it turned out, as is true of most people and of most good things, that I was not worthy of it, that I was scared of it. “But you barely know me.” “Well, yeah,” Caroline said in a way that suggested that her barely knowing me was my most attractive quality. “Where would we go?” I asked, not really caring where, just trying to buy myself some time. Caroline shrugged, but I sensed that she knew where and that she wasn’t going to tell me because I would find some way to object to the place even though I’d surely know not one thing about it. “To do what?” I asked, and again she just shrugged. “I can’t,” I said. Caroline didn’t say anything to that, didn’t even bother to shrug, just fixed her eyes on me and kept them on me, just daring me to say something false. I realized then how she must have, in fact, been very good at her job, and that it must have cost her a great deal to give it up. "

Brock Clarke , Who are You, Calvin Bledsoe?