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The Life of David QUOTES

10 " I have seen an end of all perfection; but Thy commandment is exceeding broad (Ps. 119:96). The Chaldee Paraphrase renders this verse, I have seen an end of all things about which I have employed my care; but Thy commandment is very large. The Syriac version reads, I have seen an end of all regions and countries (that is, I have found the compass of the habitable world to be finite and limited), but Thy commandment is of vast extent. The contrast drawn by the Psalmist is between the works of the creature and the Word of the Creator. The most perfect of worldly things are but imperfect; even man, at his best estate, is altogether vanity (Ps. 39:5). We may quickly see the end or the bound of man’s works, for the profoundest product of human wisdom is but shallow, superficial and having its limits; but it is far otherwise with the Scriptures of Truth. But Thy commandment is exceeding broad. The Word partakes of the perfections of its divine Author: holiness, inerrancy, infinitude and eternity, are numbered among its wondrous qualities. God’s Word is so deep that none can fathom it (Ps. 36:6), so high that it is established in heaven (Ps. 119:89), so long that it will endure forever (1 Peter 1:23), so exceeding broad that none can measure it, so full that its contents will never be exhausted. It is such a rich storehouse of spiritual treasure, that no matter how many draw upon it, the wealth thereof remains undiminished. It has in it such an inconceivable vastness of wisdom, that no single verse in it has been fully fathomed by any man. No matter how many may have previously written upon a certain chapter, the Spirit can still reveal wonders and beauties in it never before perceived. "

Arthur W. Pink , The Life of David