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#Hater (Hashtag, #2) QUOTES

47 " As if I conjured him into being, Braeden materialized nearby and shouted, “Rome! Where you been hiding?”
The crowd parted slightly to make room for Romeo’s best friend, and he grinned when he saw me standing there. “Ah,” he said, “tutor girl is back.”
I sighed dramatically. Was he ever going to stop calling me that?
Braeden pushed into the center of the small crowd and put his arm around me, and Romeo let go of my hand as Braden tugged me into his side. “He’s been unbearable while you were gone,” he said. I was aware of everyone watching the easy affection he showed me. It made me slightly uncomfortable, even if I did enjoy it.
“I doubt it,” I said, poking him in the ribs. “You were probably just annoying.”
People around us laughed, and Braeden hooted. “Rome, I need to borrow your girl. She knows all about books and I can’t seem to find the one I need.”
He shoved his wrinkled paper beneath my nose and steered me out of the crowd so I would help him.
I found the book in like three seconds and handed it to him with an are you for real? look on my face.
“Looked like it was getting a little crowded over there,” he said, taking the book. His eyes held a knowing look.
He’d done that on purpose. He knew almost as well as Romeo how uncomfortable I could get.
“Thanks,” I said, and I meant it.
“Anytime, tutor girl.”
“I do have a name, you know?” I said.
“I know.” He grinned. It was the only answer I got. He definitely didn’t say he was going to start using it.

-Braeden & Rimmel "

Cambria Hebert , #Hater (Hashtag, #2)