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What Jesus Wants You to Know Today: About Himself, Christianity, God, the World, and Being Human QUOTES

1 " And I am present in your churches, in the buildings where you worship. My presence in churches is real, and it is felt. That is authentic, even if some of what is taught is inaccurate. Wherever I am called upon, I appear. And whenever you call upon me, I am there. I am real, and I am experienced in people’s Hearts. The truth I taught is real, and that is experienced in your Hearts as well. Many who experience me in these sacred settings tend to trust and believe what the church says because of their very real experience of me. But trusting your experience of me and trusting the dogma of the church are two very different things. This has been very confusing for many: They are having true spiritual experiences within a structure founded on certain untruths. It’s not surprising that people were willing to accept certain untruths without questioning them in exchange for the sense of spiritual connection they truly wanted and felt. I would like all religious and spiritual people to know that they can connect with me anywhere and anytime. No religion or even a church building is needed to experience me and the truth I represent. This truth is the truth of your own divine nature, for that is what you are experiencing when you experience me. All I ask is that you be discriminating about your religious beliefs and accept only those that take you to love. Shortly, I will enumerate the specific distortions or lies within Christianity that you can let go of. The "

Gina Lake , What Jesus Wants You to Know Today: About Himself, Christianity, God, the World, and Being Human