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The Sacrifice (Daughters of the Moon, #5) QUOTES

1 " The night pulsed through him. He knew she saw something different in his eyes by the way she jerked back. He held her tight. "Don't you know when a guy wants to kiss you?"
She swallowed and seemed unsure.
"Put your arms around me," he ordered softly.
Her hands slipped tentatively up his chest and clasped his neck. He pulled her body next to his and she closed her eyes in anticipation.
What little resistance remained inside him slipped down into a cold abyss where his soul had once been. He eased into her mind with a suddenness that surprised her. Her eyes burst open with a shock and she stared at him. He saw the astonishment on her face and cherished the sensuous fear exploding inside her. She tried to break away from him.
"Too late," he whispered and held her with his eyes. Each time she tried to pull away, he drew her to him until he had her spellbound.
He could hear her whimpering, but it was as if she was far away.
Now sweet one, turn and face the Atrox. She struggled against his caressing, but soon she stopped fighting and her fear left her. The lies of the Atrox soothed her and filled her with promises.
Stanton smiled triumphantly and pressed his hand over her mouth so she couldn't cry out when she finally saw the black future that awaited her.
Her communion with the Atrox filled his emptiness, but he knew the ecstasy he felt from devouring her luxurious hope would only last for a short time. Soon, the aching need would return, but for now it was satisfied. He wondered now why he had denied himself for so long. He was a creature of the night and he relished his evil existence. "

Lynne Ewing , The Sacrifice (Daughters of the Moon, #5)

2 " When he was hidden in shadows, he looked up at the night sky. He had no choice. He pressed his hands against his forehead, trying to think of another possibility. There was none.
He wiped at the hot tears stinging his eyes, then slowly he lifted his arms to the fathomless black sky. He could endure anything if he knew Serena was safe. Anything.
"Father of night and evil, I call you." A primitive vibration trembled in the air. He knew the Atrox was near.
"Allow me to cross over and become your servant again."
A deadly cold throbbed through him with the ancient rhythm of evil.
"I come freely," Stanton added and felt something collapse inside him. "Take me back to the night."
Spears of lightning crackled across the sky and a concussion boomed through the earth, releasing the sulfurous smells of hell. Then a raven-black cloud seeped up from the ground and hovered around him.
Stanton held an image of Serena's face deep inside him as he breathed the icy spirit of the Atrox back into his body. The chill seeped deep inside him, wintry tentacles reaching down to his bones. The Atrox embraced him and welcomed him back to its congregation. Its raw power surged through him and when Stanton opened his eyes, he again ruled the night.
The world around him seemed sharper now, as if he could see in the dark. His pain was gone and in its place he felt a dark joy. He grinned as the wild rapture seized him. This time he was no longer invitus. Evil pulsed through him without guilt or worry, consequence or remorse. He breathed in the feel of it, then leaned back and became a black mist, hissing into the air. "

Lynne Ewing , The Sacrifice (Daughters of the Moon, #5)

18 " He held the ribbon that tied her bodice. "You like to read about vampires but your mother thinks its unhealthy. Do you really want so desperately to become aligned with the night?"
She frantically shook her head.
"I can show you a more ancient evil," he promised in a soothing voice. He tugged on the ribbon, untying the bow. "One that has existed since the beginning of time."
"Right." She tried to force the word out with a sarcastic tone, but failed.
"Not many people know about the Atrox and its Followers, but you will," he assured her.
"You're not being funny anymore," she answered with more whimper than anger.
He let his finger trace up her body to her chin and lifted her face until she was forced to look in his eyes. "I was never trying to be. I was only trying to explain what I am."
She looked quickly behind her as if searching for a way to escape.
He paused for a moment, hoping she would run. When she didn't, he continued, "I can dissolve into shadow. Stay that way for days if I want. It's one of my powers."
"Stop teasing me," she whined. "You're scaring me now."
He leaned closer. "I can also enter your mind and take you into mine. Do you want me to show you?"
"No," she pleaded. It wasn't the strange light in the graveyard that gave her face such an unnatural pallor now. The true beauty of fear shimmered in her eyes.
"Let me show you." He seeped into her mind and brought her back into his. He could feel her struggle and then stop. He let her feel what he was, the emptiness and evil. "

Lynne Ewing , The Sacrifice (Daughters of the Moon, #5)