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Waking Up: How I Found My Faith By Losing It QUOTES

22 " To follow Yeshua’s Way is to let go of this world’s systems to see and experience a far greater one—one that is closer than our own breath. It is to surrender what we think we know about the Father, so that we can truly know Him. It is to let go of who we think we are to discover who we really are. It is to let go of our continued striving to invite Yeshua into our hearts and instead place our identity in the fact that He has already taken us into His heart. It is the great reversal of all that we think will give us significance and meaning in this life, so that we can live with more peace and love than we have yet imagined. As such, The Forgotten Way isn’t a set of facts or labels or dogma, but a living, breathing journey on which all Christians find themselves. A journey of experiencing great triumph in this life, not only in whatever life awaits us, by awakening to our true identity. The journey from hate to love. The journey from fear to faith. The journey from insecurity to rest and peace. The journey from crawling to flying. Being in the eternal realm of the Father’s sovereign presence here on earth, we will find peace in the storms; we will walk on the troubled seas of our lives; we will not be poisoned by the lies of snakes; we will move mountains which appear insurmountable; we will heal all manner of sickness that has twisted minds and bodies. Love will flow from us as living waters, because the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven on earth is love. And when we love, all will know, there goes one who can fly. In the end, the journey is letting go of who we think we are, to see and so be who we truly are right now, in this moment. "

Ted Dekker , Waking Up: How I Found My Faith By Losing It

28 " Finding Superman In today’s vernacular, Yeshua’s Way is indeed the way of superheroes. In this sense, was He not the first superhero, and we now His apprentices, born into His identity and learning to fly? Would we not rush to see and experience this truth about Yeshua, our Father, and ourselves through the power of the Holy Spirit? Think of yourself as Superman or Superwoman. If Superman were to forget that he’s Superman, he would only be Clark Kent and Clark Kent can’t fly. Only Superman can fly. And having forgotten that he’s actually Superman, Clark no longer knows he can fly. How then does Clark Kent go about flying again? Someone would need to tap Clark Kent on the shoulder and say, “Umm . . . excuse me, but you’re Superman. If you take off that shirt and tie (surrender them) you’ll find you’re clothed in another suit in which you can fly.” Then Clark Kent would need to believe this is true. Only then could he go about the business of rushing to the phone booth, letting go of his old Clark Kent costume, and fly once more as Superman. In the same way, we who are clothed in Christ have great power and none greater than to love—without which, to quote Paul, the rest is nothing. But only in surrendering the old business suit do we see who we really are. Who are you being right now, at this moment? Do you want to “fly” again? Or maybe you want to fly for the first time, because our life ‘flying’ is loving God with all your heart, loving yourself as you are loved, and loving all others as yourself. As much, it is operating in the dimension unbound by space and time, called the miraculous. "

Ted Dekker , Waking Up: How I Found My Faith By Losing It