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Identity (Eyes Wide Open, #1) QUOTES

6 " People, on the other hand, defensively clung to their need to be right no matter how flawed their thinking. “Consciousness enabled by our particularly well-developed brains is what sets us apart,”he managed. He continued with a little more confidence. “Homo sapiens have a uniquely evolved neocortex, prefrontal cortex, and temporal lobes that make us capable of abstract thought, language, problem solving, and introspection.”“Our awareness makes us human then?”“No. It’s not simply a matter of passive awareness. Even slugs and plants have a level of sentience. It’s our ability to harness the power of our minds to gather knowledge, organize it into something relevant, and advance to a more evolved state. Our thoughts are the gateway. We think, therefore, we are.”“And how can we trust our thoughts?”“It’s a matter of intelligence and careful observation. You said yourself that ours is a universe of observable phenomena. The only barrier to apprehending the truth is our own unwillingness to see the world as it is instead of how we prefer it to be.”The professor’s lips nudged into a smile. “Perhaps. Well said, Mr. Hartt.”He turned toward the class. “Our time’s up today. For next class, please read chapters twenty through forty-five. And”—he glanced up at Austin—“be sure to arrive on time for the discussion.”Austin nodded as he stood. “Mr. Hartt, a word with you please?”Dr. Riley said, stuffing his papers into a leather briefcase "

Ted Dekker , Identity (Eyes Wide Open, #1)