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مكاشفة القلوب إلى حضرة علام الغيوب QUOTES

1 " It is related that Satan came before Yahyâ . The latter saw that Satan had plucks of everything on his body. He asked him: “O Satan! What are these plucks?” He replied: “These are the desires with which I hunt mankind.” Yahyâ asked: “Do you have any of my plucks there?” He replied: “Perhaps you ate a stomach full which caused you to feel heavy and uncomfortable in offeringsalâh and remembering Allâh .” Yahyâ asked: “Is there anything else?” He replied: “No.” Yahyâ said: “I take an oath that I will never fill my stomach with food.” Satan said to him: “I take an oath that I will never advise a Muslim.” Among them is the love to have beautiful utensils, clothing and to adorn and decorate the house. When Satan sees that this quality has overpowered the heart of a particular person, he settles down and establishes himself in that person’s heart. He then continually invites him towards building the house, beautifying its roofs and walls, expanding it, etc. He also invites him towards beautifying himself with clothing and animals. He causes the person to undergo losses throughout his life in fulfilling all these demands. Once he gets him involved in all this, he does not have to go that person a second time because these very demands [and desires] lead him to fulfil other demands. This continues till his death. He thus dies in the path of Satan and in following his desires. An evil destiny is thus feared from all this. We seek refuge in Allâh "

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali , مكاشفة القلوب إلى حضرة علام الغيوب

2 " dirhams, dînârs and all types of wealth including merchandise, animals and properties. The more a person has over and above his essential amount of food and basic needs, the more Satan finds a place to inhabit [a person’s life]. Thâbit al-Bunânî said: “When the Messenger of Allâh was commissioned as a Prophet, Satan said to his smaller devils: “A certain incident has taken place. Go and see what it is.” They all dispersed and searched until they could discover nothing. They returned to him and said: “We do not know.” Satan said to them: “I will go and bring you some information.” He went and returned, and said to them: “Allâh has commissioned Muhammad .” Satan then began dispatching his smaller devils to the Companions of the Prophet [in order to delude them], but these devils would return losers and say: “We have never met anyone like this before. We delude them and then they stand up for their salâh. This salâh then wipes out whatever we achieved.” Satan said to them: “Be a bit patient with regard to them. Perhaps Allâh will open the world to them [by giving them material wealth], we will then be able to achieve our goals from them.” Among them are stinginess and fear of poverty. It is these qualities that prevent a person from spending and giving in charity. It is these qualities that urge man towards hoarding, accumulating and a painful punishment. From among the calamities of stinginess is the intense desire to remain in the market places [and businesses] in order to amass wealth. And these market places [and businesses] are the nesting places of Satan and his armies. "

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali , مكاشفة القلوب إلى حضرة علام الغيوب