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A Very Brave Witch QUOTES

4 " All the creatures seemed happy to be at the library. The Headless Horseman gave horsey rides and the kids lined up! Someone brought out a ball and played fetch with the Hound of the Baskervilles. Dracula told jokes. The giant gently picked up some kids and lifted them high in the air.
Everyone was enjoying the fun. The characters didn’t seem so scary now!
Virginia Creeper’s happy smile suddenly changed to a worried frown when she looked out the window and saw the seniors’ book club coming up the walk.
“Oh my,” said Ms. Creeper, “I almost forgot. It’s time for the book club! They can’t see this! It will give the seniors such a fright.”
“Go and tidy up while I stall them at the door!” the librarian told Miss Smith.
Virginia Creeper blocked the impatient readers from entering while Miss Smith ran around in a tizzy. She picked up overturned chairs and straightened the book shelves.
Outside, the seniors were getting grouchy, but inside, the kids and the characters had become too silly to notice.
“Can I help?” Zack asked Miss Smith.
She handed the Incredible Storybook to Zack.
“Remember,” Miss Smith said, “we have to finish each story so that the characters will go back into the book. Read the last page of each tale, while I deal with this mess!
Zack opened up the book and quickly finished all the stories. One by one, the characters went back into the Incredible Storybook.
The puzzled book club burst into the room just as Zack finished the last page.
“Okay, class, it’s time to check out your books,” Miss Smith said. She guided the class toward the big front desk.
Everyone thanked Virginia Creeper before marching down the library steps and heading back to school.
With borrowed books under their arms, the children were looking forward to reading more about all the characters they had just met.
Zack smiled and wondered what they would read tomorrow. "

Alison McGhee , A Very Brave Witch