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Damaged and the Dragon (Damaged, #5) QUOTES

5 " Want me hold the bag?” Cooper said from behind me.
Never slowing my punches, I muttered, “Not really.”
Cooper took the bag like I knew he would and held it still. “We should talk.”
“Then talk.”
“You’re into my sister,” he said then continued after I remained quiet, “You were into my girl. You seem to have a thing for my stuff.”
“I’m telling Bailey you said she’s your stuff,” I grunted, punching harder. “I suspect she’ll kick you in the balls.”
“She thinks she’s your second choice.”
“I know, but she’s wrong.”
“You wanted Farah.”
“I liked Farah. She was my second choice. I wanted Bailey.”
Cooper said nothing while I pounded on the bag. Finally, he shoved it back at me. “Why did you fuck with me that day if you didn’t want Farah?”
“Because you’re an asshole and I don’t back down to assholes,” I said, taking a break. I grabbed my bottle of water and downed half of it.
When I looked back at Cooper, he was frowning in a weird way.
“Wait, did you not know you were an asshole? I just assumed someone must have mentioned it before.”
Cooper rolled his dark eyes. “You’re an idiot. I could have killed you that day.”
“So you would have died for a chick you didn’t want.”
“No, I would have died standing up to an asshole.”
“I saw you always looking at Farah.”
“She seemed overwhelmed by college. I was looking out for her. She’s hot, but she’s not Bailey.”
Cooper clearly wasn’t convinced. “If you wanted Bailey, why wait so long? I think you’re full of shit.”
“Because you’re an asshole. Guys like you have shit handed to them. Guys like me have to work for what we want.”
“And you want Bailey.”
“She’s mine. I just haven’t sealed the deal yet. If you want to fight for her, fine. I should warn you that I’m stronger than I was last year. It’ll take more to beat me.”
Cooper grinned. “You hurt my sister and I won’t kick your ass, Nick. I’ll feed you to my fucking dogs.”
“Fair enough. Did you want something else? "

Bijou Hunter , Damaged and the Dragon (Damaged, #5)

6 " Hey, Dylan,” I said, holding my orange ball. “You got rid of the Mohawk.”
Lark and Raven’s stepbrother ran his hand over his bald head and sighed. “Yeah, I’d been thinking about going the business man route for a while. Kept going back and forth about cutting it. A few weeks ago, I got drunk at Lark’s place. The sisters were nice enough to shave my head while I was passed out.”
Nearby, Raven laughed so hard she had trouble distracting Vaughn who was still trying to win the game. Dylan glared at her then shrugged. “Gonna let it grow out and play the average Joe shit.”
“Good luck with that,” I said, glancing at the bathroom and hoping Bailey would appear. When she didn’t, I walked to an open lane and rolled the ball. It took out a single pin which was one more than I expected.
A lane away Raven struggled to win against Vaughn. She bent over one direction. When her ass didn’t do it, she bent forward and adjusted her tits. A distracted Vaughn missed his strike with a single pin remaining. Before I could hear him complain and her celebrate, Cooper and Tucker appeared next to me.
“I liked the way you handled that fucker,” Tucker said, arms crossed tightly. “You always know how to deal with these losers while looking like a Boy Scout. A good skill to have.”
Ignoring them, I rolled the second ball and managed to take out three pins. A new record for me.
“What’s with the silent shit?” Tucker asked.
Sighing, I looked at them and frowned. “I want to be with Bailey. We just started dating, but here I am jumping through hoops for you two. You do this shit with every guy?”
“Most are losers,” Cooper said. “Most never do the second date thing. They bang then hang. If they’re lucky, she never mentions it to us and we don’t kick anyone’s ass. You’re the first boyfriend type she’s had.”
“Our family needs good people,” added Tucker.
Cooper shifted his stance and shook his head at his brother. “He doesn’t want that life. Nick wants to be a teacher.”
“Who cares?” Cooper said. “It’s what he wants. Sounds like a nice safe life for our little sister, don’t you think?”
Tucker’s expression froze and his dopey brain took awhile to put things together. By the time he figured it out, I’d rolled a gutter ball, Bailey returned, and Vaughn declared his wife a cheater.
“It’s only fair!” Raven cried as Vaughn threw her over his shoulder and spun her around. “You’re a better bowler and I want to win. Cheating was the only card I could play.”
“Making me think some fucker was looking at your ass was low, Raven.”
“So is naming our first born son Maverick. You’re just looking for trouble with a name like that.”
Vaughn lowered her to her feet then grinned. “My boys will be nothing but trouble. They’ll own this town and chase pretty girls like Scarlet and Lily.”
“Hey, keep your pervy kid away from my daughter!” Tucker hollered, looking pissed.
Cooper grabbed his brother and they wrestled onto the ground. By the end of pounding each other, they were both laughing. "

Bijou Hunter , Damaged and the Dragon (Damaged, #5)

8 " I don’t know how to swim,” I said as we walked onto the back deck where the pool awaited.
“I’ll teach you,” Bailey said, smiling over her shoulder. “First, I need to clean out some of the gunk from the storm.”
After scooping up dead leaves and bugs until the pool looked pristine, Bailey jumped into the pool. “There’s a secret to swimming,” she said, giving me a wink.
Tossing off my shirt, I didn’t think about how much I hated to go shirtless outside of the cage. I just walked into the water and returned her bright smile. “What’s the secret?”
Before I could ask, Bailey slid her wet body against mine. “Lots of friction,” she murmured, grinning wildly.
The moment my hands went to her ass, her legs wrapped around my waist. “I feel like I might drown. More friction might be necessary.”
When I nibbled at her shoulder, she went soft in my arms. Getting cocky, I tugged at the strap of her bikini with my teeth.
“Shit,” she muttered and I knew we had company. Glancing back, I found Kirk watching us while Sawyer gnawed at an ice cream.
“Screwing my daughter in the pool,” he said, exhaling cigarette smoke. “I like a man with balls.”
Bailey frowned. “We’re not screwing.”
To ensure the moment was truly awkward, Bailey slid her hands up and down my chest. Nothing made a guy piss his pants like having his nutty girlfriend feel him up in front of her scary dad.
“We’re going out to Longhorn’s for dinner tomorrow night. Brass Balls can come with us.”
“Thanks, Pop,” Bailey said, grinning like her hands weren’t on my ass.
“We’re grilling and your brothers are here.”
Sawyer grinned at me then Bailey. “A man should die with a full stomach.”
Snorting at his kid’s comment, Kirk took her hand then walked away.
Bailey watched them leave then looked at me. “I was going to fuck you in the pool,” she whispered.
“You’re going to get me killed. "

Bijou Hunter , Damaged and the Dragon (Damaged, #5)

11 " Deputy Ennis Dickhead tipped back his stupid hat and smirked at me. “Hello, Bailey.”
“What do you want?”
“I came to talk to your friend here. Just wondering if he’d seen his dad?”
Nick showed no reaction, but I was pissed to have an asshole ruining my good mood. “If his dad was smart, he’d have run the fuck away once out of jail.”
Dickhead tried intimidating Nick with a dark glare. When that didn’t work, he focused on me. “Bailey, I want to talk to you alone.”
“No way. Nick and I are going home to have lots of sex. Now go away.”
“Why are you slumming it with this loser?” Dickhead asked, poking his thumb at Nick. “You’ve got options and here you are settling.”
“Fuck the hell off, asshole!” I yelled, gaining the attention of a lot of people who immediately looked away when I glared at them. Focusing my rage back on Dickhead, I growled, “You need to learn your place, loser. The only time I was slumming it was when I dated a rent-a-cop.”
“Listen here, bitch...”
I never saw Nick move. One moment, he was a few feet away, looking passive then his fist made contact with Dickhead’s face. The cop toppled back against his car as Nick stood in front of me. Since he looked hotter than sin, I wanted to feel him up. I was thinking naughty thoughts when Darling forced his cuffs on Nick’s wrists and shoved him against the car.
“I guess I’m the one who gets restrained this time,” Nick said, trying to keep the moment light.
Dickhead was going to ruin Nick’s chances at teaching and I refused to allow anyone to steal my man’s dream.
Love made people do weird shit and I was no exception.
The Taser from Dickhead’s belt felt good in my hand as I aimed it at his ass. The idiot cop didn’t even realize I’d stolen his weapon until the volts surged through his system. My ex-nobody fell to the ground and twitched.
A cuffed Nick stepped back and looked between Dickhead and the Taser.
“He wet himself,” I said to Nick.
“I see that. Now what? You just assaulted a cop.”
“So did you.”
“True. We’re both fucked.”
“No way,” I muttered. “He attacked me and I was defending myself.”
“You shot him in the ass with that thing. I don’t know how you make self-defense stick, babe.”
“What a pessimist,” I said, digging the keys out of Dickhead’s pocket. “Let’s throw on some Jerry Reed and race home like the cops are on our asses.”
“They might be soon enough,” Nick said, rubbing his wrists before cupping my face. “My hero. "

Bijou Hunter , Damaged and the Dragon (Damaged, #5)

12 " I’ve ruined things for you,” I said, eyes hot and tears threatening to fall. “I fucked up and now you’ll end up with a record. You’ll never have your dream because of me. I’m so sorry.”
Wrapping me in his strong arms, Nick sighed. “I punched him and made the first move. It’s not your fault.”
“You had to punch him. He was calling me names and you’re my man.”
Nick smiled down at me. “Yeah, I couldn’t let him trash my girl.”
“I should have just ignored him or been polite.”
“I love you enough to know ignoring him and doing the polite shit was never happening. It’s not your way and I don’t want you to pretend. Maybe other people need that from you, but I love all of you even the crazy temperamental parts.”
“I ruined your dream though.”
“I’ll get a new dream.”
My heart broke at how easily Nick accepted his lost dream.
“You wanted that one so bad.”
“I want you more.”
“Maybe we can run. I have money. Let’s run and hide. You’re giving up your dream. I can give up my home, so we’ll be even.”
Nick grinned then looked behind me. “This is my home now too and I’m not giving it up.”
Turning to follow Nick’s gaze, I saw my parents approaching.
Pop tossed his cigarette on the ground then laughed. “I always figured Sawyer would be the one to attack a cop,” he said as Mom smiled.
“He called me a bitch and Nick punched him.”
“Seems fair.”
“Then he was going to arrest Nick, so I had to do something.”
“I can see that,” Pop said, hugging me. “Did he rough you two up?”
“No. Well, his face might have hurt Nick’s fist.”
“I’m fine,” Nick said, giving me an amused look.
“Pop,” I mumbled, panicking despite attempts to find the situation funny. “Dickhead is going to ruin Nick’s future as a teacher. You have to do something.”
My pop grinned at Mom then shook his head. “All this drama is Coop’s problem now. I’m retired.”
Frowning, I wanted Pop to wave his hand and fix things like he normally did. Instead, he expected me and my brothers to behave like adults. Had he never met us?
“It’ll be fine,” Nick said, lacing his finger in the loop of my shorts and tugging back against him. “Darling can file charges if he wants, but he’ll put a target on himself too. It’s his choice.”
My dad smiled and nodded while Mom threw a ball at the dogs. “Nick ain’t wrong. Dickhead might have a big mouth and show off, but he knows his place. He went to school with your brothers and understands what happens when the family feels threatened.”
“Okay,” I said, still worried. “I can’t believe I lost my temper like that.”
Mom and Pop laughed first then Nick started up. I just rolled my eyes. "

Bijou Hunter , Damaged and the Dragon (Damaged, #5)