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The Marriage Match (Suddenly Smitten, #3) QUOTES

7 " You better not bother the Chickcharnies while you're out here. Best to stay on their good side." The moonlight cast shadows on his face, but it was easy to see his teasing grin.
She raised her eyebrows. "The Chickcharnies?"
He pointed up into the palms and distant pines. "They're kind of like birds. They live up in the treetops --only on Andros Island and nowhere else in the world."
Cyn scanned the darkness among the high branches. "What do you mean 'kind of like birds'?"
He shrugged one shoulder. "Like owls. But they have three fingers, three toes, and they hang from the trees by their tails. You can spot their red eyes when they catch the light."
Cyn clenched her teeth and squinted up into the trees, scanning for a pair of red eyes aimed her way. "They sound a little creepy."
"If you see one, and you show it respect," Trent said, "you'll have good luck for the rest of your life."
Cyn could use some good luck, for sure. She concentrated harder on finding those red eyes. None in sight, she furrowed her brow and set her gaze on Trent. "What do they do if you bother them?"
His grin widened into that stop-your-heart smile that Cyn was finding harder to resist. "They turn your head around backward."
"It's probably really painful," Trent said.
Cyn swatted his arm, coming up against tight muscle. "You made that up."
"Not really. It's island lore. People think the Chickcharnies descended from a big flightless owl they've found in fossils."
"Have you ever seen one?" she asked skeptically.
"Not yet. But you never know if one's around. I'd like to keep my head on straight, so I don't tease about them."....
Suddenly a huge screeching bird swooped down out of the trees, flew several feet over their heads, and veered up into a nearby copse of palms.
Cyn yelped and ducked low. Trent pulled her close, tucking her against his chest. "Holy crap!" she said, "That was one pissed-off Chickcharnie. Hold on to your head. "

Tracy March , The Marriage Match (Suddenly Smitten, #3)

8 " A surprise isn't a surprise if you blow it ahead of time."
She shook her head. "That sounds a lot like 'a wish won't come true unless you say it out loud.'" The words were out of her mouth before she could bit them back. The last thing she needed was for either of them to be thinking about their real-life kiss in this land of make-believe.
With a hint of a grin, Trent lifted her chin with his fingers and smoothed the pad of his thumb across her lips. "And look how well that worked out for me."
Cyn's heart surged, her pulse rushing like the water over the falls. Was he going to kiss her again?
Trent pulled her close, anchoring her against him on the slippery rocks. He threaded his fingers through her hair, cupped the back of her neck, and kissed her lightly, tentatively. Cyn tensed a moment, then relaxed as she gave in and pressed her palms to his pecs, grasping handfuls of firm muscle.
The camera was rolling, after all, but it wouldn't capture the sparks firing through her. She'd replayed the wish-upon-a-star kiss in her mind so many times, thinking how incredible it was with Trent - that elusive chemistry she hadn't found with anyone else. But as the weeks had passed, she'd wondered if she imagined it. This kiss made her believe that she hadn't. The softness of his lips. The sensual sweep of his tongue. The pressure of his hand at the small of her back. His skin was warm and wet against hers. She was nearly dizzy with sensation as he trailed light kisses along her jawline and whispered in her ear. "Even better than last time. "

Tracy March , The Marriage Match (Suddenly Smitten, #3)