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Spy School Secret Service (Spy School, #5) QUOTES

144 " Because SPYDER wants me dead. They tried to kill me on the Arlington Bridge yesterday.” Erica gave me a look that indicated I was the world’s biggest idiot. “That wasn’t SPYDER. That was me.” “You?” I gasped. “Why would you try to kill me?” Erica’s look hardened, now indicating that I might be the biggest idiot in the entire universe. “I wasn’t trying to kill you. I had to do something to get you free.” “So you opened fire on an entire convoy of Secret Service agents?” “It wasn’t like I had a whole lot of options.” Erica led me through the invertebrate zoo, where display cases were filled with an array of the world’s biggest, slimiest, and most revolting insects. “I had to act fast. If they’d gotten you to the Pentagon and locked you up there, it would have been almost impossible for me to free you.” “Almost impossible?” I echoed. “Nothing’s completely impossible. But some things are awfully close. So I improvised. Lucky for you, I was keeping an eye on you again at the White House yesterday when the bomb went off.” “Really? I didn’t see you.” “Because I didn’t want you to see me.” Erica cut through a demonstration where a museum employee was removing insects from Tupperware containers and showing them to a crowd of riveted children. “After the explosion, I saw the Secret Service drag you out and figured they were taking you to the Pentagon. So I grabbed my motorcycle and raced over to the construction site.” I thought back to the flash of movement I’d seen among the construction workers, moving toward the crane. I now realized it had been Erica. “So, you swung that hook at the car on purpose?” “Yeah. I realize that was a bit dicey, but I’d never operated a crane before. It’s harder than you’d think.” “A bit dicey? You realize if you’d been off by another inch or two, you would have killed me?” Erica considered this, then shrugged. “Well, we all make mistakes. I would have asked you to do the math, but you were tough to reach at the time. "

Stuart Gibbs , Spy School Secret Service (Spy School, #5)