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2 " Nowadays people often talk about happiness. Books are written about it, courses are taught on it, and some us even try to buy it. Feeling has become a right, and we chase after it, convinced that once we have found it, we will also find the solution to all our problems. Not being happy has come to be equated with failure. But what is happiness, after all? Is it possible to be happy each waking minute, day after day, year in and year out? Is it actually something worth striving for? For how can we conceive of our happiness if we have never experienced any pain? Sometime I think that today we have trouble finding happiness because of our deep fear of suffering. Perhaps we have forgotten the lessons that can be learned from our own darkness. Is it not there that we must go sometimes in order eventually to distinguish the light from the stars. To understand the happiness we so assiduously pursue actually feels? A life without sorrow is a symphony without bass notes. Is there anyone who can truthfully claim that he is always happy? I have never met such a person. On the other hand, I have met apparently happy people who said they were content. I looked up the word in the National Encyclopaedia, and it describes the feeling of having obtained or achieved what can reasonably be desired. And when I read that, I thought that perhaps we have gone astray in our pursuit of happiness, that what we should actually be seeking is the ability to feel content. Something has made us believe that it is the rapture of the moment and the ecstatic rush of the senses that leads to happiness, but perhaps it is instead the courage to settle down and dare to be satisfied with what we have.
Shame- Karin Alvtegen "

Karin Alvtegen , Shadow

3 " Във внезапно прояснение разбра, че след четирийсет години ще е неин ред и животът накрая ще докаже своето безсмислие. Точно като Алис ще пръска през годините горчивата си жлъч върху всички, които се доближаваха, над Елен и бъдещото й семейство. Ще предава нататък безнадеждната задача да се опита да възстанови един пропаднал живот. Погледнато от друга гледна точка, перспективите се сменяха, задълженията й към дъщерята бяха различни от онези, видени до сега. И за кого всъщност се жертваше? От кого очакваше да бъде благодарен? Елен, която щеше да навлезе в живота с извратените си представи за това какво е любов? Ян-Ерик, чийто поведение тя правеше възможно, като не слага край? Какъв пример бе тя за дъщеря си? Веднага осъзна, че страхът й да скъса бе егоистична слабост, защото каква радост щеше да донесе на Елен, ако майка й бе мъртва? Една майка, която, щом стане късно, ще очаква благодарност за всичко, което е отстоявала, за да запази семейството. "

Karin Alvtegen , Shadow