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In the Dark / Person of Interest QUOTES

2 " He bracketed his waist with his hands and took a deep breath. “The truth is I didn’t want to see you or even talk to you until I was me again.”
Stunned, she dropped the fork back into her salad bowl. “I’m not sure I’m following,” she said cautiously but she knew what he meant. He wanted her to see him when they talked…his face.
He leaned forward, braced his hands on her desk. She inhaled the clean, slightly citrusy scent that was uniquely Joe Hennessey. Her gaze roved his face. Every detail was just as it was before.
Damn she was good.
Elizabeth blinked. Chastised herself for staring. Since he hadn’t answered her question he’d obviously paused to take notice of her staring.
She cleared her throat and squared her shoulders. “You’re going to have to explain what you mean, Agent Hennessey.”
“Don’t play games with me, Elizabeth,” he warned, those blue eyes glinting with what some might consider intimidation. But she knew him better now. That was his predatory gleam. And she was his prey…he wanted her.
“Really, Hennessey, you should be more specific.”
“I love you, Elizabeth. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. I miss you. I need to be with you.”
I…I…I, was this all about him? Let him sweat for a bit.
She shrugged indifferently. “I’ve been sleeping fine.” She glanced at the food in front of her. “Eating fine as well.”
He straightened, threw up his hands. “What do you want me to do? Beg?”
That could work, she mused wickedly. "

Heather Graham , In the Dark / Person of Interest

4 " So I get to spend my first night with you, huh?”
A blush heated her cheeks. Though she doubted Agent Hennessey felt any real discomfort just now, she could not believe he had the audacity to flirt with her.
“In a manner of speaking,” she said calmly. The man could very well be feeling a bit loose-tongued. He might not mean to flirt.
He made a sound in his chest, a laugh perhaps. “I’ve been dying to get you all to myself ever since that night,” he mumbled.
Taken aback, Elizabeth reminded herself that he probably wouldn’t even remember anything he said. Ignoring the remark was likely the best course.
“Sorry,” he muttered. “I didn’t mean to let that slip out.”
She’d suspected as much. Swiping her hands on her thighs, she sat back, relaxed her shoulders against the empty shelves behind her. “That’s all right, Agent Hennessey,” she allowed, “most patients say more than they mean to when on heavy-duty painkillers.”
He licked his lips and groaned. The doctor in her went on immediate alert. “Are you feeling pain now, Agent Hennessey?” Surely not. He’d been dosed half an hour prior to their departure.
He inhaled a big breath. “No way, Doc. I’m flying over here.” He blinked a few times then turned his head slowly to look at her. “God, you’re gorgeous, did you know that?”
Elizabeth sat a little straighter, tugged at the collar of her blouse to occupy her hands. “You might want to get some more sleep, Hennessey, before you say something you’ll regret.”
“Too late, right?” He made another of those rumbling sounds that were likely an attempt at chuckling. “No big deal.” He waved a hand dismissively. “You already know how gorgeous you are. "

Heather Graham , In the Dark / Person of Interest