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Dancing with Fireflies (Chapel Springs, #2) QUOTES

14 " When are you going to do something about those feelings of yours?” His eyes darted to Mama Jo. Her blue eyes studied him over the ridge of her bifocals. Heat rose on his neck. “What do you mean?” She pinned him with a look. “I think you know what I mean.” There was something in her eyes that made the blood rush to his face. Cacophony erupted on the court as PJ sank another shot, the others groaning. Daniel watched them blindly, his heart in his throat. First Madison, now Mama Jo. His secret wasn’t a secret anymore. His heart raced. “How long have you known?” “Since about five seconds after your feelings changed.” He scratched his neck, wishing twilight would fall faster. “I understood why you held back at first.” Mama Jo flipped another page. “She was so young. She was with Aaron, and they were so—” She stopped before saying the hurtful words. He’d stayed away a lot during those four years. It was too hard seeing Jade so in love with someone who wasn’t him. “The secret admirer notes.” She looked at him over her glasses. “They were from you?” His lips parted as his eyes shot to her. This was getting out of hand. “Please don’t tell her.” She removed her glasses, folded them, and set them on the paper, looking down. “At first, when she came home, I thought maybe the time was finally right. That you’d finally tell her how you felt.” She waved her hand. “I know I’m butting in here.” She looked toward Jade and Cody, then back to him. “But I see things moving forward, and I worry you’re missing your open window. Maybe the last one you’ll get.” He "

Denise Hunter , Dancing with Fireflies (Chapel Springs, #2)