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Just a Bit Confusing (Straight Guys, #5) QUOTES

8 " A brittle laugh left his lips. “That’s exactly why I can’t be late. See you later, guys.” He strode toward the door briskly, hoping Ryan would leave it alone.

But of course he didn’t. Ryan caught up with him outside before James could reach his car.


Suppressing a sigh, James put on a neutral face and turned to Ryan. “I’m really running late—”

“Listen to me, you git,” Ryan said, his eyes dark and hard. “I’m not sure what’s going on in that head of yours lately, but don’t do anything stupid, okay? Don’t agree to Arthur ’s plans only because you think you have to.” Ryan lifted his hands to cradle James’s face. Jamie went still, his heart hammering as Ryan looked him in the eye intently. “You deserve better. You deserve marrying someone you’re crazy about. Someone who would love you for being you—not for your money or your family name, but because you’re the best person I know.” Ryan smiled at him crookedly. “Being in love is pretty fucking great, actually. You deserve to find your Hannah.”

Jamie wondered if it would actually hurt more if Ryan stuck a knife in his gut and twisted it slowly. He thought he smiled. He hoped he was smiling. His face hurt, so he must be.

He said, “Sure I will. Later, mate.” He was surprised by how absolutely normal his voice sounded.

He smiled again and turned away.

He walked to his car.

He got in.

He closed the door.

He put his hands on the steering wheel.

His throat worked as he tried to swallow the painful lump in his throat. He couldn’t. A terrible, choked sound came from his throat. His chest began to heave. He pressed his hands to his eyes and breathed in, breathed out. "

Alessandra Hazard , Just a Bit Confusing (Straight Guys, #5)

18 " Joking aside, you’re not a terrible kisser. And technique isn’t everything. It’s always flattering as hell when your partner is eager. It’s a turn-on. It was strange to me for obvious reasons, but obviously I don’t count.”

Jamie put his chin on top of his knees, hugging them tightly. He turned his face away so Ryan could no longer see even his profile. “No, you don’t,” he said tonelessly.

Ryan’s eyes narrowed, an uncomfortable feeling nagging at the back of his mind.

“I’m tired,” Jamie said, sighing and putting his head on Ryan’s shoulder. “I’m so tired,” he murmured, his eyelids sliding shut. “Hope I won’t remember this in the morning. I don’t want to.”

Frowning, Ryan stroked his hair with his fingers.

“I wish…I wish things were different,” Jamie whispered.


Jamie didn’t respond.

Ryan started thinking that he had fallen asleep when Jamie mumbled quietly, “Do you ever wonder if there are alternate universes? Lives where things are a little bit different? It makes me feel better to think that maybe in another life…” His voice got strained and he trailed off.

Before long, he was asleep.

Ryan lifted him carefully and carried him to his bedroom. Jamie didn’t wake up even when he tucked him into his bed. Ryan sat next to him, leaning back against the headboard.

His forehead creased, he watched Jamie sleep as the nagging feeling in his gut became stronger and stronger. "

Alessandra Hazard , Just a Bit Confusing (Straight Guys, #5)