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ter Borcht  QUOTES

1 " Vhat ozzer abilities do you haf?" ter Borcht snapped, which his assistant waited, pen in hand.Gazzy thought. " I have X-ray vision," he said. He peered at ter Borcht's chest, then blinked and looked alarmed.Ter Borcht was startled for a second, but then he frowned. " Don't write dat down," he told his assistant in irritation. The assistant froze in midsentence." You. Do you haf any qualities dat distinguish you in any way?" Nudge chewed on a fingernail. " You mean, like, besides the WINGS?" She shook her shoulders gently, and her beautiful fawn-colored wings unfolded a bit.His face flushed, and I felt like cheering. " Yes," he said stiffly. " Besides de vings." " Hmm. Besides de vings." Nudge tapped one finger against her chin. " Um..." Her face brightened. " I once ate nine Snickers bars in one sitting. Without barfing. That was a record!" " Hardly a special talent," ter Borcht said witheringly. Nudge was offended. " Yeah? Let's see YOU do it." ..." I vill now eat nine Snickers bars," Gazzy said in a perfect, creepy imitation of ter Borcht's voice, " visout bahfing." Iggy rubbed his forehead with one hand. " Well, I have a highly developed sense of irony." Ter Borcht tsked. " You are a liability to your group. I assume you alvays hold on to someone's shirt, yes? Following dem closely?" " Only when I'm trying to steal their dessert" ...Fang pretended to think, gazing up at the ceiling. " Besides my fashion sense? I play a mean harmonica." " I vill now destroy de Snickuhs bahrs!" Gazzy barked. "