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puppy  QUOTES

27 " What is Destiny? Is it a doctrine formulated by aristocrats and philosophers arguing that there is some unseen driving force predicting the outcomes of every minuscule and life altering moment in one's life? Or is it the artistry illustrated by those under-qualifed and over-eager to give their future meaning and their ambitions hope? Is it a declaration by those who refuse to accept that we are alone in this universe, spinning randomly through a matrix of accidental coincidences? Or is it the assumptions made by those who concede that there is a divine plan or pre-ordained path for each human being,regardless of their current station?I think destiny is a bit of a tease....It's syndical taunts and teases mock those naive enough to believe in its black jack dealing of inevitable futures. Its evolution from puppy dogs and ice cream to razor blades and broken mirrors characterizes the fickle nature of its sordid underbelly. Those relying on its decisive measures will fracture under its harsh rules. Those embracing the fact that life happens at a million miles a minute will flourish in its random grace.Destiny has afforded me the most magical memories and unbelievably tragic experiences that have molded and shaped my life into what it is today...beautiful.I fully accept the mirage that destiny promises and the reality it can produce. Without the invisible momentum carried with its sincere fabrication of coming attraction, destiny is the covenant we rely on to get ourselves through the day. To the destiny I know awaits me, I thank you in advance. Don't cry because it's over....smile because it happened. "

38 " Yep. We’re his Lieutenants,” Day answered, picking up the largest coffee cup Furi had ever seen and taking a huge gulp. “You guys had a trying evening last night, so we thought we’d check in on you.”Syn just nodded. “Hmm. Right.”“Nice bandage.” God peeked around his paper again angling his head at Syn’s hand. “Nothing broken?”Syn looked at his hand. “Furi wrapped it up for me last night. Just a little torn skin, it’s nothing really.”“He tried to be all tough but I had to blow on it to make it feel better.” Furi’s teasing had Syn smiling.“Glad you’re okay, Syn.” Day winked mischievously.Furi looked at Syn. “You just don’t realize how awesome it is to have such great bosses. Came to check up on you, considerate enough to bring you breakfast, I mean just all around awesome guys.”“Just wait for it, Furi,” Syn cut him off.“What?” Furi’s brow creased in confusion.“All the warm compliments you’re giving God and Day ... just wait for it.”Furi looked confused. “I don’t know what you’re–”“What else did you have to blow on to make feel better?” Day said around a snort. “Really hate to have missed that show, spanky.” Day smiled broadly at Furi.Furi groaned and dropped his head as he ran both hands through his hair. “You guys watched my videos.”“Hell yeah.” Day grinned.“For evidence and research purposes only,” God chimed in.“Five times,” Day yelled, punching God in his large bicep.“Okay guys. Shut up," Syn huffed.“I’m just saying, you lucky fuck. You get to date a hot porn puppy and we can’t say anything.” Day stared at Furi, completely ignoring Syn’s fuming. "