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pops  QUOTES

20 " Isn't that the tie Lily bought for your birthday?" Evan looked down to examine it. It was paisley, a kaleidoscope of color. " Yes it is, as a matter of fact. Good memory. What do you think? Too much?" " It doesn't matter what I think." " But you don't like it." " I think that if you want to wear it, you should wear it." Evan seemed momentarily undecided. " Why do you do that?" " Do what?" " Refuse to answer a simple question." " Because my opinion is irrelevant. You should wear what you want." " Just tell me, okay?" " I don't like your tie." " Really? Why not?" " Because it's ugly." " It's not ugly." Colin nodded. " Okay." " You don't know what you're talking about." " Probably." " You don't even wear ties." " You're right." " So why do I care what you think?" " I don't know." Evan scowled. " Talking to you can be infuriating, you know." " I know. You've said that before." " Of course I've said it before! Because it's true! Didn't we just talk about this the other night? You don't have to say whatever pops into your head." " But you asked." " Just ... Oh, forget it." He turned and started back toward the house. " I'll talk to you later, okay?" " Where are you going?" Evan walked a couple of steps before answering without turning around. " To change my damn tie. And by the way Margolis was right. Your face still looks like it was run through a meat grinder." Colin smiled. " Hey, Evan!" Evan stopped and turned. " What?" " Thanks." " For what?" " For everything." " Yeah, yeah. You're just lucky I won't tell Lily what you said." " You can if you'd like. I already told her." Evan starred. " Of course you did. "