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dried  QUOTES

102 " What - what - what are you doing?" he demanded." I am almost six hundred years old," Magnus claimed, and Ragnor snorted, since Magnus changed his age to suit himself every few weeks. Magnus swept on. " It does seem about time to learn a musical instrument." He flourished his new prize, a little stringed instrument that looked like a cousin of the lute that the lute was embarrassed to be related to. " It's called a charango. I am planning to become a charanguista!" " I wouldn't call that an instrument of music," Ragnor observed sourly. " An instrument of torture, perhaps." Magnus cradled the charango in his arms as if it were an easily offended baby. " It's a beautiful and very unique instrument! The sound box is made from an armadillo. Well, a dried armadillo shell." " That explains the sound you're making," said Ragnor. " Like a lost, hungry armadillo." " You are just jealous," Magnus remarked calmly. " Because you do not have the soul of a true artiste like myself." " Oh, I am positively green with envy," Ragnor snapped." Come now, Ragnor. That's not fair," said Magnus. " You know I love it when you make jokes about your complexion." Magnus refused to be affected by Ragnor's cruel judgments. He regarded his fellow warlock with a lofty stare of superb indifference, raised his charango, and began to play again his defiant, beautiful tune.They both heard the staccato thump of frantically running feet from within the house, the swish of skirts, and then Catarina came rushing out into the courtyard. Her white hair was falling loose about her shoulders, and her face was the picture of alarm." Magnus, Ragnor, I heard a cat making a most unearthly noise," she exclaimed. " From the sound of it, the poor creature must be direly sick. You have to help me find it!" Ragnor immediately collapsed with hysterical laughter on his windowsill. Magnus stared at Catarina for a moment, until he saw her lips twitch." You are conspiring against me and my art," he declared. " You are a pack of conspirators." He began to play again. Catarina stopped him by putting a hand on his arm." No, but seriously, Magnus," she said. " That noise is appalling." Magnus sighed. " Every warlock's a critic." " Why are you doing this?" " I have already explained myself to Ragnor. I wish to become proficient with a musical instrument. I have decided to devote myself to the art of the charanguista, and I wish to hear no more petty objections." " If we are all making lists of things we wish to hear no more . . . ," Ragnor murmured.Catarina, however, was smiling." I see," she said." Madam, you do not see." " I do. I see it all most clearly," Catarina assured him. " What is her name?" " I resent your implication," Magnus said. " There is no woman in the case. I am married to my music!" " Oh, all right," Catarina said. " What's his name, then?" His name was Imasu Morales, and he was gorgeous. "

103 " Miss Mapp moved towards the screen." What a delicious big screen," she said." Yes, but don't go behind it, Mapp," said Irene, " or you'll see my model undressing." Miss Mapp retreated from it precipitately, as from a wasp's nest, and examined some of the studies on the wall, for it was more than probable from the unfinished picture on the easel that Adam lurked behind the delicious screen. Terrible though it all was, she was conscious of an unbridled curiosity to know who Adam was. It was dreadful to think that there could be any man in Tilling so depraved as to stand to be looked at with so little on...Irene strolled round the walls with her." Studies of Lucy," she said." I see, dear," said Miss Mapp. " How clever! Legs and things! But when you have your bridge-party, won't you perhaps cover some of them up, or turn them to the wall? We should all be looking at your pictures instead of attending to our cards. And if you were thinking of asking the Padre, you know..." They were approaching the corner of the room where the screen stood, when a movement there as if Adam had hit it with his elbow made Miss Mapp turn round. The screen fell flat on the ground and within a yard of her stood Mr. Hopkins, the proprietor of the fish-shop just up the street. Often and often had Miss Mapp had pleasant little conversations with him, with a view to bringing down the price of flounders. He had little bathing-drawers on..." Hullo, Hopkins, are you ready," said Irene. " You know Miss Mapp, don't you?" Miss Mapp had not imagined that Time and Eternity combined could hold so embarrassing a moment. She did not know where to look, but wherever she looked, it should not be at Hopkins. But (wherever she looked) she could not be unaware that Hopkins raised his large bare arm and touched the place where his cap would have been, if he had had one." Good morning, Hopkins," she said. " Well, Irene darling, I must be trotting, and leave you to your--" she hardly knew what to call it--" to your work." She tripped from the room, which seemed to be entirely full of unclothed limbs, and redder than one of Mr. Hopkins's boiled lobsters hurried down the street. She felt that she could never face him again, but would be obliged to go to the establishment in the High Street where Irene dealt, when it was fish she wanted from a fish-shop... Her head was in a whirl at the brazenness of mankind, especially womankind. How had Irene started the overtures that led to this? Had she just said to Hopkins one morning: " Will you come to my studio and take off all your clothes?" If Irene had not been such a wonderful mimic, she would certainly have felt it her duty to go straight to the Padre, and, pulling down her veil, confide to him the whole sad story. But as that was out of the question, she went into Twemlow's and ordered four pounds of dried apricots. "