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diplomatic  QUOTES

10 " I am not sure whether you could call this abuse, but when I was (long ago) abroad in the world of dry men, I saw parents, usually upscale and educated and talented and functional and white, patient and loving and supportive and concerned and involved in their children’s lives, profilgate with compliments and diplomatic with constructive criticism, loquacious in their pronouncements of unconditional love for and approval of their children, conforming to every last jot-tittle in any conceivably definition of a good parent, I saw parent after unimpeachable parent who raised kids who were (a) emotionally retarded or (b) lethally self-indulgent or (c) chronically depressed or (d) borderline psychotic or (e) consumed with narcissistic self-loathing or (f) neurotically driven/addicted or (g) variously psychosomatically Disabled or (h) some conjunctive permutation of (a) … (g).

Why is this. Why do many parents who seem relentlessly bent on producing children who feel they are good persons deserving of love produce children who grow to feel they are hideous persons not deserving of love who just happen to have lucked into having parents so marvelous that the parents love them even though they are hideous?

Is it a sign of abuse if a mother produces a child who believes not that he is innately beautiful and lovable and deserving of magnificent maternal treatment but somehow that he is a hideous unlovable child who has somehow lucked in to having a really magnificent mother? Probably not.

But could such a mother then really be all that magnificent, if that’s the child’s view of himself?

...I think, Mrs. Starkly, that I am speaking of Mrs. Avril M.-T. Incandenza, although the woman is so multileveled and indictment-proof that it is difficult to feel comfortable with any sort of univocal accusation of anything. Something just was not right, is the only way to put it. Something creepy, even on the culturally stellar surface. "

David Foster Wallace , Infinite Jest

13 " Because women tend to turn their anger inward and blame themselves, they tend to become depressed and their self-esteem is lowered. This, in turn, causes them to become more dependent and less willing to risk rejection or abandonment if they were to stand up for themselves by asserting their will, their opinions, or their needs.

Men often defend themselves against hurt by putting up a wall of nonchalant indifference. This appearance of independence often adds to a woman's fear of rejection, causing her to want to reach out to achieve comfort and reconciliation. Giving in, taking the blame, and losing herself more in the relationship seem to be a small price to pay for the acceptance and love of her partner.

As you can see, both extremes anger in and anger out-create potential problems. While neither sex is wrong in the way they deal with their anger, each could benefit from observing how the other sex copes with their anger. Most men, especially abusive ones, could benefit from learning to contain their anger more instead of automatically striking back, and could use the rather female ability to empathise with others and seek diplomatic resolutions to problems. Many women, on the other hand, could benefit from acknowledging their anger and giving themselves permission to act it out in constructive ways instead of automatically talking themselves out of it, blaming themselves, or allowing a man to blame them. Instead of giving in to keep the peace, it would be far healthier for most women to stand up for their needs, their opinions, and their beliefs. "

Beverly Engel , The Emotionally Abusive Relationship: How to Stop Being Abused and How to Stop Abusing

18 " If you dont want to feel that you are controlled, Make sure to Follow the below Checklist :1. Make your Own Business Before you Die : because then you know that you are controlling your life with your money not someone else money and therefore you gain Freedom 2. Never have your only Fuck Buddy/GirlFriend as your Work Colleague, Have more than one fuck buffy if you cant resist and dont share much info | You never know if your boss is paying her to get information 3. Once you become Wealthy and Rich, Never Submit or Believe anything if you get approached by a Secret Organization or So called Illuminati. A Deal with the Devil Is NEVER INTO YOUR BENEFIT but its always a DECEPTION 4. Make sure to Pray Tactically Either you are Christian, Muslim, Budha or any Religion, Spirituality Helps you Stand up on your Feet and the help you get is from a Spirit Power Someone you can Trust 5. Educate and keep educating yourself, Knowledge is Power | Be Aware of All 6. Either dont give all the information of yourself or if you cant then give False information or close but to the point to be as Diplomatic As Possible. Also be aware of the information that you have given in order to consider it should a follow up or weird moments appear to be ready with your ConscienceOk there is more to the checklist but since point 6 of this checklist states that not to give all the information, i will give publicly those but i will also add 2 more below7. Have No FEAR as Control is usually conducted by FEAR Control | Practice no FEAR Techniques on a regular basis 8. Be innovative ! keep changing so you dont have a Standard Portfolio about you | you are that guy that changes and is hard to Keep up "