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contracts  QUOTES

25 " Cassie,” I growl at the young brunette. “How’s the sobriety?”
Alex brought the submissive to us. She’s an addict that he councils at Transcend. I don’t want to be mean to her right now, especially since my best friend brought her here, but I’m furious and she’s an outlet. She can’t strike back.
“Ninety days sober,” she says with pride.
“That’s awesome,” I say enthusiastically and smile at her. “I love how we have to give fuck ups a medal when they behave. I would think it should go to those who never fuck up. What’s the incentive to behave if all you have to do is get shit-faced and steal shit for years and then ninety days on the straight-and-narrow we have to pat you on the back for being a good girl,” I say in a saccharine voice.
She gazes at me with huge, glassy brown eyes. I can see the tears forming. Cassie worries her full bottom lip between her teeth and tries not to blink.
“But hey, what do I know. It just seems like the system is flawed. The good little boys and girls just don’t get the recognition that a crack-whore thief gets,” I shrug.
Cassie blinks and the surface of her tears breaks and they finally slide down her cheeks in shame.
“But go you!” I shout sarcastically. I give her a thumbs up and walk down the hall.
“Cold… that was just cold, dude,” Alex chuckles at me.
That was so bad that I have to laugh or I’d puke. I shake my head as my belly contracts from laughter.
“Score on my newest asshattery?” I ask my partner in crime. If I didn’t have him I’d scream. I’ll owe Master Marcus forever. He stripped me bare until Font was naked in the impact room at Brownstone I trained in. Alex walked in and shook my hand- instant best friend.
“Ah…” He taps his chin in thought and the bastard tucks his black hair behind his ear. I growl at him because he did it on purpose. He knows how much I miss the feel of my hair swinging at my jawline.
Alex arches a perfect brow above his aqua eye and smirks. He runs his hands through his hair and groans in pleasure.
“8.5. It was a decent attempt, but you pulled your hit. You’re too soft. I bet you were scared you’d make her relapse.”
“Yeah,” I say bashfully.
“Not happening, bud. I’m just that fucking good. I better go do some damage control. Don’t hurt any more subs. Pick on the big bastards. They may bite back, but their egos are delicate. "

Erica Chilson , Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint, #4)

29 " Learning

After some time, you learn the subtle difference between
holding a hand
and imprisoning a soul;
You learn that love does not equal sex,
and that company does not equal security,
and you start to learn….
That kisses are not contracts and gifts are not promises,
and you start to accept defeat with the head up high
and open eyes,
and you learn to build all roads on today,
because the terrain of tomorrow is too insecure for plans…
and the future has its own way of falling apart in half.

And you learn that if it’s too much
even the warmth of the sun can burn.

So you plant your own garden and embellish your own soul,
instead of waiting for someone to bring flowers to you.

And you learn that you can actually bear hardship,
that you are actually strong,
and you are actually worthy,
and you learn and learn…and so every day.

Over time you learn that being with someone
because they offer you a good future,
means that sooner or later you’ll want to return to your past.

Over time you comprehend that only who is capable
of loving you with your flaws, with no intention of changing you
can bring you all happiness.

Over time you learn that if you are with a person
only to accompany your own solitude,
irremediably you’ll end up wishing not to see them again.

Over time you learn that real friends are few
and whoever doesn’t fight for them, sooner or later,
will find himself surrounded only with false friendships.

Over time you learn that words spoken in moments of anger
continue hurting throughout a lifetime.

Over time you learn that everyone can apologize,
but forgiveness is an attribute solely of great souls.

Over time you comprehend that if you have hurt a friend harshly
it is very likely that your friendship will never be the same.

Over time you realize that despite being happy with your friends,
you cry for those you let go.

Over time you realize that every experience lived,
with each person, is unrepeatable.

Over time you realize that whoever humiliates
or scorns another human being, sooner or later
will suffer the same humiliations or scorn in tenfold.

Over time you learn to build your roads on today,
because the path of tomorrow doesn’t exist.

Over time you comprehend that rushing things or forcing them to happen
causes the finale to be different form expected.

Over time you realize that in fact the best was not the future,
but the moment you were living just that instant.

Over time you will see that even when you are happy with those around you,
you’ll yearn for those who walked away.

Over time you will learn to forgive or ask for forgiveness,
say you love, say you miss, say you need,
say you want to be friends, since before
a grave, it will no longer make sense.

But unfortunately, only over time… "

Jorge Luis Borges

33 " A great music Download may be the digital transfer associated with music online in to a good device in a position to decoding along with playing it, these types of being a home computer, MP3 player or perhaps Smart Phone. your term encompasses both legal downloads as well as downloads involving copyright material without having permission or even legal payment. Based on an Nielsen report, downloadable music accounted intended for 55.9% involving just about all music sales in the you in 2012. Just as of January 2011, Apple's iTunes shop alone created $1.1 billion regarding earnings at the primary quarter involving the fiscal year.Popular on the web music shops The item sell downloadable singles along with albums include your own iTunes Store,mirchi-fun.com. Paid downloads are usually sometimes encoded inside Digital Rights Management That restricts copying your own music or perhaps playing obtained songs at certain digital audio players. these are almost always compressed using a lousy codec which reduces file size as well as bandwidth requirements. these music resources may be formulated like a answer to be able to expanding technology along with Specifications involving customers That wanted easy, effortless entry to help music. it is corporation devices respond towards " download revolution" through generating legal providers attractive regarding users.Even legal music downloads have faced a number of challenges via artists, Record labels along with the working Industry Association regarding America. within July 2007, ones Universal Music Group decided not in order to renew their long-term contracts throughout iTunes. the actual decision are primarily based on your issue connected with pricing connected with songs, As Universal wanted in order to charge further or perhaps less relying towards the artist, an shift away by mirchi-fun.com' standard—at your time—99 cents per song pricing. numerous industry leaders \'m It This can be lone your current first associated with numerous show-downs between Apple Inc. along with the several Sign labels Some artists offer downloading the songs by it is websites or maybe the online music store, often as a short preview or low-quality sample. for example, iTunes will allow listening to a short preview of your song to listen for you to This sooner buying. the particular replaces listening to music throughout a good shop before purchase. Others embed services inside the sites That handle one or album purchases.According to be able to research by the site Torrent Freak, 38% associated with Swedish artists support file share downloading in addition to claim This The item helps artists throughout early task stages. the Swedish rock group Lamont features profited coming from file sharing. "