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answering  QUOTES

92 " Isn't that the tie Lily bought for your birthday?" Evan looked down to examine it. It was paisley, a kaleidoscope of color. " Yes it is, as a matter of fact. Good memory. What do you think? Too much?" " It doesn't matter what I think." " But you don't like it." " I think that if you want to wear it, you should wear it." Evan seemed momentarily undecided. " Why do you do that?" " Do what?" " Refuse to answer a simple question." " Because my opinion is irrelevant. You should wear what you want." " Just tell me, okay?" " I don't like your tie." " Really? Why not?" " Because it's ugly." " It's not ugly." Colin nodded. " Okay." " You don't know what you're talking about." " Probably." " You don't even wear ties." " You're right." " So why do I care what you think?" " I don't know." Evan scowled. " Talking to you can be infuriating, you know." " I know. You've said that before." " Of course I've said it before! Because it's true! Didn't we just talk about this the other night? You don't have to say whatever pops into your head." " But you asked." " Just ... Oh, forget it." He turned and started back toward the house. " I'll talk to you later, okay?" " Where are you going?" Evan walked a couple of steps before answering without turning around. " To change my damn tie. And by the way Margolis was right. Your face still looks like it was run through a meat grinder." Colin smiled. " Hey, Evan!" Evan stopped and turned. " What?" " Thanks." " For what?" " For everything." " Yeah, yeah. You're just lucky I won't tell Lily what you said." " You can if you'd like. I already told her." Evan starred. " Of course you did. "

95 " We cleave our way through the mountains until the interstate dips into a wide basin brimming with blue sky, broken by dusty roads and rocky saddles strung out along the southern horizon. This is our first real glimpse of the famous big-sky country to come, and I couldn't care less. For all its grandeur, the landscape does not move me. And why should it? The sky may be big, it may be blue and limitless and full of promise, but it's also really far away. Really, it's just an illusion. I've been wasting my time. We've all been wasting our time. What good is all this grandeur if it's impermanent, what good all of this promise if it's only fleeting? Who wants to live in a world where suffering is the only thing that lasts, a place where every single thing that ever meant the world to you can be stripped away in an instant? And it will be stripped away, so don't fool yourself. If you're lucky, your life will erode slowly with the ruinous effects of time or recede like the glaciers that carved this land, and you will be left alone to sift through the detritus. If you are unlucky, your world will be snatched out from beneath you like a rug, and you'll be left with nowhere to stand and nothing to stand on. Either way, you're screwed. So why bother? Why grunt and sweat and weep your way through the myriad obstacles, why love, dream, care, when you're only inviting disaster? I'm done answering the call of whippoorwills, the call of smiling faces and fireplaces and cozy rooms. You won't find me building any more nests among the rose blooms. Too many thorns. "

Jonathan Evison , The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving