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analyzing  QUOTES

6 " Imagine yourself having a fight with your romantic partner. The tension of the situation makes your limbic system run at full throttle and you become flooded with stress hormones like cortisol and adrenalin. The high levels of these chemicals suddenly make you so damn angry, that you burst out in front of your partner saying, “I wish you die, so that I can have some peace in my life”. Given the stress of the situation through highly active limbic system, your PFC loses its freedom to take the right decision and you burst out with foul language in front of your partner, that may ruin your relationship. In simple terms due to your mental instability, you lost your free will to make the right decision.
But when the conversation is over, and you relax for a while, your stress hormone levels come down to normal, and you regain your usual cheerful state of mind. Immediately, your PFC starts analyzing the explosive conversation you had with your partner. Healthy activity of the entire frontal lobes, especially the PFC suddenly overwhelms you with a feeling of guilt. Your brain makes you realize, that you have done something devilish. As a result, now you find yourself making the willful decision of apologizing to your partner and making up to him or her, no matter how much effort it takes, because your PFC comes up the solution that it is the healthiest thing to do for your personal life.
From this you can see, that what you call free will is something that is not consistent. It changes based on your mental health. Mental instability or illness, truly cripples your free will. And the healthier your frontal lobes are, the better you can take good decisions. And the most effective way to keep your frontal lobes healthy is to practice some kind of meditation. "

Abhijit Naskar , What is Mind?

14 " Perception requires imagination because the data people encounter in their lives are never complete and always equivocal. For example, most people consider that the greatest evidence of an event one can obtain is to see it with their own eyes, and in a court of law little is held in more esteem than eyewitness testimony. Yet if you asked to display for a court a video of the same quality as the unprocessed data catptured on the retina of a human eye, the judge might wonder what you were tryig to put over. For one thing, the view will have a blind spot where the optic nerve attaches to the retina. Moreover, the only part of our field of vision with good resolution is a narrow area of about 1 degree of visual angle around the retina’s center, an area the width of our thumb as it looks when held at arm’s length. Outside that region, resolution drops off sharply. To compensate, we constantly move our eyes to bring the sharper region to bear on different portions of the scene we wish to observe. And so the pattern of raw data sent to the brain is a shaky, badly pixilated picture with a hole in it. Fortunately the brain processes the data, combining input from both eyes, filling in gaps on the assumption that the visual properties of neighboring locations are similar and interpolating. The result - at least until age, injury, disease, or an excess of mai tais takes its toll - is a happy human being suffering from the compelling illusion that his or her vision is sharp and clear.

We also use our imagination and take shortcuts to fill gaps in patterns of nonvisual data. As with visual input, we draw conclusions and make judgments based on uncertain and incomplete information, and we conclude, when we are done analyzing the patterns, that out “picture” is clear and accurate. But is it? "

Leonard Mlodinow , The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives

17 " He failed!! I think He has failed ever for the first time in knowing a person, analyzing their feelings. Just realized that He was living in a hallucination that, even she likes me and is attached to me which was false.. I never analysed anybody wrong till date dont know how it happened this very first time. When ever his calls were ignored He always thought she is busy or with ppl where she could not talk but realizing it now that if he mattered the calls would have returned back. Which did not happen. When ever his texts got only smileys or hmmm..!! Response he should have understood that he is going into a place where he won't be returned with love. Ok let me wear her shoes n think!! Is it all about you always? Don't you need anybody to love you? Don't u want somebody in life with whom u can get lost in the shore of silence? Yes? Then why are being so not interested? When he is putting so much effort n time? Why do u think he is doing that? What has he seen in u? Do u think he is a waste n has not seen ladies till date? Do u know the pain of being away from you just cuz if he is close to you, he may keep annoying he kept himself away. Whose day doesn't start with out u n whose night doesn't drown with out u is like this. He is lost in your thoughts but has the strong will not to disturb you. He is not desperate but he craves for love and attention that's it. He never stalked you nothing. Yes he is aggressive band active when it comes to u. And it's only for you. The person who has like entire world on his head of pressure can only think about u? Be he does. I know the response too for this msg.. that's Hmmm..!!, loving someone is not a big deal but having loved someone is definitely a big deal. Anyways he is missing you crazily. This is just for you to know that he failed. "